Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun] [prep] government " in BNC.

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1 In the public-spending round of Government it is certainly true that departments overbid on the basis that when it comes to the crunch they can bring the bid down without damage .
2 In 1916 he cited conscription and the suspension of trades union restrictions as things that coalition had done for the nation ; Gleanings and Memoranda headlined the speech " The Coalition Form of Government almost indispensable . "
3 Attempts to establish quantifiable and scientific criteria as the basis for identifying geographical areas requiring assistance and for developing policy stem from the centralist philosophy of government and the sectoralisation of technology and administration .
4 This department , consisting of salaried solicitors employed by the Law Society with government funds , dealt with the matrimonial problems occasioned by the Second World War .
5 Government plans to ‘ market test ’ establishments , investigating which services might be put out to tender , represented ‘ the cutting edge of Government policy to destroy public service and weaken public sector trade unions , ’ he said .
6 When Keynesian quantity constrained equilibrium exists in the current period ( that is , excess supply of both labour and goods ) the multiplier effect of government spending ( whether that spending is anticipated or otherwise ) is greater under rational expectations than under ‘ static ’ ( non-rational ) expectations .
7 To a certain extent turnover follows that of the cash market in government securities : it rose in 1987 following the start of the new trading arrangements for gilt-edged securities and it fell in 1988 and 1989 when government accounts moved into surplus and there was a cessation of new issues .
8 There were no doctors in the villages and the town centres of government administration were far away .
9 Following the record increase in Government funding of the Arts Council for 1992-93 , I am delighted that the council has decided to increase its touring budget for England for next year by over 19 per cent .
10 So far as the debt was concerned , the first success was in converting most of the short-term , high-interest credit which had stemmed from the wartime issue of government bills to a funded 5 per cent stock in 1784 – 5 .
11 He was soon caught up in the wartime expansion of government activity , being concerned mainly with the regulation of foreign trade .
12 Our subscription rates are being held until the end of March , so for just £30 you 'll get : • a monthly mailing of regular publications which will brief you on all these issues and more • up to the minute briefings on government announcements • free copies of many of our one-off publications , such as our Short Guide to Poll Tax .
13 Afterwards a rally is being staged at the Assembly Rooms against Government policy on public sector pay .
14 The Sejm rejected Bielecki 's resignation offer on Aug. 31 , effectively passing a vote of confidence in the government , but rejected a resolution proposed by one of the Solidarity groups for government by decree , and made it clear that budget cuts would not be passed .
15 The announcement of the efficiency scrutiny of government funding of the voluntary sector , legislative changes in local government , and Housing Bill , are also likely to change the relationship between voluntary organisations and local authorities .
16 Matters may become a little clearer when the results of the efficiency review of government funding of voluntary agencies , begun in 1989 , become available .
17 I as a taxpayer pay money for clever chaps like you to be the production engineers of the Cabinet system of government .
18 In April AI appealed to the Iraqi Government in the strongest possible terms to put an immediate end to the mass deliberate killing of unarmed civilians and the summary execution of government opponents and their suspected supporters .
19 The study explores the priority Heads of Government have attached to publicity , and their attitudes to official secrecy and leaks as well as to the political accountability of news media .
20 This division was aimed at establishing regular bishoprics which combined secular and religious political control ; such bishoprics would be part of the state system of government along with minor kingships , dukes , counts and other nobles and officials .
21 The subsequent devaluation of the currency , cuts in public-sector expenditure , employment and jobs , and the removal of the cost-of-living allowance for government workers were all factors in the erosion of public support .
22 The report went on to recommend that ‘ to the greatest extent practicable ’ the executive functions of government , as distinct from policy advice , should be carried out by ‘ units clearly designated within departments ’ — agencies .
23 What this suggests then is that although it may be necessary to tolerate the practice , it should be conducted only in exceptional and highly controlled circumstances under which there is adequate scrutiny and review by institutions independent of the executive branch of government .
24 This course was rejected partially out of inertia , and partially because it would have been strongly opposed by the English-educated Sri Lankan élite , who held judicial posts and dominated the legal profession , but who were excluded from the executive branch of government .
25 On 8 February 1985 a federal appeal court in New York upheld this judgment , stating that the decision to deploy these weapons was the responsibility of Congress and the executive branch of government .
26 Legislatures are ineffectual , and real power is concentrated in the executive branch of government .
27 As such , these officials are part of the executive branch of government .
28 As a matter of English law ‘ The Crown ’ has no legal personality , but is a legal fiction denoting the executive branch of government which equally is devoid of legal personality : see Town Investments Ltd. v. Department of the Environment [ 1978 ] A.C. 359 , 380–381 .
29 In order to overcome the problems which flow from this lack of legal personality , the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 was passed giving rights of action against the executive branch of government either by suing specified departments in their own name or by suing the Attorney-General on behalf of the Crown .
30 This , it is feared , leads to a down-grading of the autonomy of Congress , an unbalanced economy and the creation of a cabal of military and industrial leaders , who are able to influence the executive branch of government in an undemocratic way .
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