Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] up [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The database administrator ( DBA ) is given the opportunity to set up indexes at data creation time and this will increase the speed by which data is retrieved .
2 Frank also gave Crawford the opportunity to dream up stunts that would put his previous daredevilry in the shade .
3 Valuable time was lost , the troops opposed to us were able to recover from the disorganization produced by our first attack , and the enemy was given the opportunity to bring up reinforcements . ’
4 The successive rounds of the game give us the opportunity to build up trust or mistrust , to reciprocate or placate , forgive or avenge .
5 While there was disappointment that the Chancellor had not taken the opportunity to roll up tax relief for first time buyers into the first few years of a mortgage , the doubling of the stamp duty threshold has been widely welcomed .
6 Thus , the decision by the county at the end of the following season not to re-engage him and Garner came as an enormous surprise and caused a furore ; from the emotional angle it was poor reward for years of devoted service , but rationally , since the opportunity to sign up Martin Crowe of New Zealand , who promised so much , had either to be taken or lost , it was a sensible move .
7 Acute back pain forced the Prince to give up polo for a month in June , 1991 .
8 Turning his car into a mobile advert for the book , he hustled copies outside clubs and used the money to print up part two , which in turn funded part three — in which Q broke the ultimate literary taboo and swapped the printed word for audiocassette , reading ever ambient funk backdrops .
9 What prevented French or German firms borrowing on similar terms in Europe or the United States to those faced by US firms , and using the money to buy up firms in Europe or indeed the United States , was their financial and industrial weakness , not the state of Europe 's balance of payments .
10 Premadasa on March 23 appealed to the LTTE to " enter the democratic process " , promising that " if the LTTE gives up violence , the government will lose no time in holding fresh elections to the North-Eastern Provincial Council and to the local government institutions in that province " .
11 He is also facing an inquiry over the taxpayer picking up part of his £24,000 bill to evict a self-styled sex therapist from his home and was embarrassed by revelations about his Access card .
12 So we made the decision to go up Beinn Damh , not a Munro , but nevertheless a divine mountain of 902 metres situated conveniently behind the cottage .
13 It 's likely that the decision to blow up Pan Am Flight 103 was made in Tehran , in revenge for the downing of an Iranian Airbus over the Persian Gulf by the USS Vincennes in 1988 , killing 290 civilians .
14 The report suggests that the decision to set up hospital trusts in Scotland resulted either from ‘ deference ’ to the arguments of groups applying for trust status , or from ‘ blind determination to implement unpopular policy ’ .
15 The buyer held up delivery and the juice went bad as a result .
16 When Marcus came in for supper , two hours later , Daniel 's Mum was still talking , to Stephanie , who was in and out of the kitchen dishing up vegetables and making gravy , to her son , who moved his weight cautiously from time to time on a dining-room chair and frowned and frowned .
17 Instead , the Armada sailed up channel and the watchers at Rame , including Carew , could view the first engagement of battle early that Sunday morning off Plymouth , with the first galleon exploding .
18 Dressing often becomes a battle at this time , as you try to hurry the process by helping where help is n't wanted and she becomes more and more frustrated when her leg goes in the wrong hole or the jumper ends up back to front .
19 Messrs Rudd and McGowan motored through the recession snapping up bargains and transformed Williams Holdings into a FTSE 100 company .
20 Rather they preferred to farm them out at a fixed rent , at leases which , in the fourteenth century , became progressively longer , and to enjoy the freedom to take up offices or to serve in the army .
21 More in the PC Tune Up series !
22 As well as entering professional art practice , students from the course take up work in education , publishing , arts administration , community arts , entertainment , the media , and business , and placements can be arranged in these areas .
23 His engineers were glad to continue with the central job they had been engaged on before : the attempt to speed up power station completion rates in undertakings they now controlled more directly .
24 A detached head , who acts with detachment , coolly weighing matters up , allowing the mind to soak up ideas and to put them together in new ways , is not a primary-school image .
25 Earlier on you were talking about erm the dredger bringing up fish or you your father
26 It is one thing , though no doubt foolish , for the president to hold up air traffic while he gets a haircut from a high-priced snipper on the tarmac of Los Angeles airport .
27 In those states whose governments have refused to have anything to do with the presidential liaison officers appointed by the president to set up offices in the nineteen state capitals , radio station staff have been likewise forbidden to make contact .
28 As the interview winds up Bruce Foxton is complaining bitterly about yer' man 's Nigel Mansell impersonation going over Vauxhall Bridge .
29 Open account : Under this payment method the exporter gives up control of the goods to the importer and receives debt settlement at a later date under the contract 's terms .
30 The car picks up speed very quickly in the lower gears thanks to a 16-valve turbo engine and soon we were finding out how to negotiate winding country lanes at 60 .
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