Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] all " in BNC.

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1 erm Obviously , as it 's being passed on to groups , we ca n't make any decision at the moment on whether we think it 's a good thing or not , we do n't get the opportunity to endorse it all , like today .
2 Thank you , yes , erm thank you very much for inviting me to attend to those meetings and giving me the opportunity to meet you all .
3 On the word , Emma turned her head away , the exclamation saying it all .
4 He went there to Dalby Forest one day in the afternoon loaded them all up and set off for Wales .
5 Then she hurried out to the kitchen to tell them all the news .
6 You have competing systems and you have the freedom to switch them all off .
7 The bark starts them all off and they howl at the moon for a few minutes .
8 Shareen , you 're very much part of the er , the attempt to help us all use alcohol a little bit more sensibly , what , what , what is this strategy ?
9 The card screamed it all .
10 The problem is that we seem to have dropped the Health Service off more and more and more over that period of time , and I think , to be fair , the programme sums it all up , two motions on the Health Service .
11 The Opposition commend them all , and I hope that the Minister will say that she will implement them .
12 The Monster has them all .
13 Anyway , one morning the Commandant called them all together on the parade ground .
14 ‘ When the tocsin sounded we all left this room .
15 The blurting ring of the telephone caught them all unexpectedly .
16 They 're done because the old-fashioned way of doing a , putting something together is a paste-up job , you 've got all these stories filed about all sorts of things , and then some editorial chap or chapess sits down with sort of paste and scissors and cuts the things off , and they tend to cut things off the bottom to make it all fit until it feels about right .
17 The moment we walk out into the sun to play we all break out into a heavy sweat .
18 And when the sun appeared they all died and then the people who were to be the people of Amantani came from other islands , from peninsulas in the south … ’
19 I mean , what 's she supposed to do if it goes off — waddle round the village telling us all to duck ?
20 ‘ And I suppose you only had to flash your smile at the women in the village to have them all falling over themselves to tell you more . ’
21 But it would take about ten times the age of the Universe to write it all . ’
22 The sub-title said it all : Celibacy and the Church .
23 The Dents owned the very first car in Baldersdale and that created quite a stir I remember being at school when they first drove it round the place and the teacher brought us all out on to the road to have a closer look at this amazing thing .
24 Can the author cover it all in 200 pages ?
25 Then he got peevish and decided on a rain storm and the dinosaurs were so overgrown that they would n't fit into the ark so the flood destroyed them all .
26 Nora and I used to say that the war did them all a power of good .
27 Then the war destroyed it all again .
28 The lid stopped it all from falling out when you tipped it over and the air is getting in around the cracks in the lid .
29 It is not , as they claim in their own idealistic illusions , because the leader loves them all equally , but because they are all persecuted equally by the primal father , the leader , and they all fear him equally .
30 The waiter found it all very amusing though Sandison was not quite sure if the laughter came from the story itself or his own clumsy attempts to tell it .
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