Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 However , as Livingstone and Hubel ( 1984 ) point out , they can not be computing colour according to the algorithm derived by Land .
2 The defence played against Rush , Clough , Wright , merson and Campbell in the last 2 matches .
3 Despite the overwhelming prosecution evidence , the defence dwelt upon King 's behaviour prior to the arrest — he was intoxicated and had failed to comply with police attempts to stop his speeding car — and sought to cast the police officers as a part of a " thin blue line " standing between law-abiding citizens and the " jungle " .
4 Full-back , Paul Bodin is back after injury and striker , Dave Mitchell , drops back into the defence to cover for Colin Calderwood , who 's suspended .
5 They see eternity in terms of the response made to God while on earth .
6 In Scale 2 Hilton talks of his understanding of the dynamic nature of God 's love working in man : The goal of contemplative life is to see this , a seeing which is a felt understanding of love , and Hilton accounts for the curious process by which a person grows towards this state as the interaction between the being of God — unformed love in which all men participate — and the response enabled by God to this dynamic potential at the heart of their being — love formed .
7 For example , if the entire coding for the strength of the response depended on Kandel 's single synapse , there should be in the intact animal a direct correlation between the frequency or amount of firing of that specific motor neuron and the strength of the withdrawal reflex .
8 However , the income accruing to Panama Inc will increase the value of Mr X 's right to recover his debt .
9 Our confidence thus bolstered , we were now stepping eagerly out of the tent bound for Ancohuma .
10 With the benefit of a later viewpoint , aided not least by the opportunity to reflect on Bolinger 's own work , we would suggest that , in most cases , other answers are more appropriate than the ones which he offered at that time ( nevertheless , we return to this article more than once in the chapters which follow ) .
11 This proved to be a serious mis-calculation when the opportunity came at Barnsley Park in 1961 , which also will have to be told elsewhere .
12 So you will eventually get the opportunity to take as Mike has maybe already told you , get eventually get the opportunity to take the audio tour yourself , so you can see where things are .
13 A few days later all the officer cadets were given the opportunity to go to Wolferton station to see the old King 's coffin on its way to London .
14 " If we disobey him I may lose the opportunity to go to Canton , " he said shortly .
15 All staff in these offices were offered the opportunity to go to Bristol to work at the head office .
16 In recent months I have had the opportunity to go to Kashmir by arrangement with both the Pakistani Government and the Indian Government , and I have seen the profound suffering among Kashmiris of both religions — Hindu and Muslim .
17 The opportunity presented by RMI is nicely summed up in a paper by Black , Dearden , Mayhew and Nichol ( 1989 ) in which they say ‘ Resource management enables clinicians and managers to see directly what the cost of various patterns of care are , to consider alternatives and make decisions in a more informed way — at the level of patient , the service or service mix .
18 Either in that or more likely the following year Earl Hakon was drowned at sea , and Olaf took the opportunity to return to Norway .
19 Henry II and Richard seized the opportunity to return to Limoges , to lay siege to Aixe and the citadel .
20 To further strengthen his cover , he also became a member of the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors , and attended its conference in Washington , taking advantage of the opportunity to confer with Donleavy and DIA agent Neal Miller , who later took over as Control for Operation Shakespeare .
21 Would this be the opportunity to mention to Adam her difficulties over the ledgers ?
22 WHEN delegates of the Whitbread Merit Table clubs took time off from their deliberations over leagues last week to enjoy a day out at the University Match , they took the opportunity to complain to Cardiff about the legions of players who have made the journey to the Arms Park in recent months .
23 If Mr. Collins had sought to base an argument on the omission from the rules which I have characterised as unfair , we should have had to consider whether the opportunity given to Winchester on 6 November 1990 to make representations to Lautro 's board rectified this defect .
24 Mansell , speaking at the BBC 's Sports Review of the Year show , said : ‘ Damon deserves the opportunity to drive for Frank Williams .
25 It would be impossible to withdraw American forces if this gave the Soviet Union the opportunity to move into Japan .
26 The plaintiffs contended that they had thereby been deprived of the opportunity to bid for H.F. Co. but pill J. rejected their claim because while the law certainly allowed a freedom to bid for property that was neither a ‘ business asset ’ of the plaintiffs ' nor a legal right which the law would protect .
27 Praise God for the opportunity to minister in Corntonvale Prison and for favour with the Governor .
28 See page 66 for full details of Club membership and the opportunity to subscribe to BBC Vegetarian Good Food .
29 If he wins the next two legs , today and tomorrow , his total prize money as overall Grade A champion will only amount to £970 — but he will have the opportunity to compete at Wembley for the rest of the week .
30 The top youth enterprise in N. Ireland will have the opportunity to compete at U.K. level .
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