Example sentences of "the [adv] [verb] [noun] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 After the revolution , those authors who were not simply names to fill space on the badly produced jacket were usually sufficiently embarrassed to try to explain away their participation in the cult of Ceauşescu and thereby in lengthening his rule .
2 Charles de Bues , RSPCA branch co-ordinator , said the rarely awarded certificates were being presented to recognise the physical effort shown by everyone involved in the rescue .
3 None the less iron deficiency was proved in 63 of 111 patients ( serum iron <11 µmol/l with iron binding capacity >72% or ferritin <15 µg/l , or both ) .
4 Among the hardest hit industries were motors , where Ford and Vauxhall on Feb. 7 announced cuts of over 2,000 jobs and around 300 respectively to take effect mostly from late 1992 ; aerospace , with BAe announcing on Feb. 12 some 2,350 job losses in its military and regional divisions ; coal , with several pit closures or staff reductions having been announced in January , and with a prediction by Malcolm Edwards , then British Coal 's commercial director , on Feb. 19 that the corporation could be slimmed down to possibly as few as 12 pits in the next two years ; and steel , where on Jan. 8 British Steel had confirmed the closure by September of the remaining part of its huge Ravenscraig plant in Scotland , with around 1,200 job losses .
5 It has been suggested by Bruer in his study of medical education literature that , in the case of published papers , 56% of those papers which were highly rated were also highly cited , and that 60% of the highly cited papers were in the highly rated class .
6 The early arrivals had been taken out to the studio to look at Faye 's work , but then things had got too hectic , and now the highly praised paintings were forgotten .
7 The econometric counterpart of the much elaborated system was the vast array of empirical models of the economy which have enjoyed undisputed popularity until recent years .
8 The seasonally adjusted total was nevertheless better than expected .
9 The Scottish industry minister , Allan Stewart , said that the rise in the seasonally adjusted figure was the lowest since last March and Scotland had the third lowest unemployment rate of all UK regions .
10 The coolly spoken words were like a bucket of ice-cold water thrown in her face , but instead of restoring her composure it had the opposite effect of stoking her anger all the more .
11 It was only years later that I came to learn that the easily remembered collects were those that had been translated by Archbishop Cranmer from the Sacramentaries of Popes Leo , Gregory and Gelasius , while the difficult ones to remember were in almost every case the work of reformers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries .
12 Many of the best racing clippers were therefore composite built .
13 One of the best known models was constructed by J. A. Howard and J. Sheth , and has since undergone substantial testing and development .
14 One of the best known models was constructed by J. Sheth , and this model is described and explained in a simplified form , thus : i ) Information sources : a variety of information sources will be available , ( some of which have already been discussed in detail in this and the previous chapter ) .
15 One of the best known experiments was carried out by Bransford and Franks ( 1971 ) who tested recognition memory for sets of related sentences .
16 Most impressive is the ‘ Hestia Giustiniani ’ ( fig. 76 ; the best known copy was long in the hands of the Giustiniani , and the statue certainly represents a goddess , though perhaps rather Demeter , Hera or even Aphrodite than the rarely represented Hestia ) .
17 The Once-Over tillage system was one of the earliest attempts to use engine power to reduce the number of cultivations needed to make a seedbed .
18 The specific activity of the bacterially expressed TFIIF was estimated to be 5–10% of the native HeLa factor , and its activity required preincubation with other transcription factors derived from HeLa nuclear extract .
19 He had left off his dog collar and was losing strips of his white eyebrows , moustache and beard — the undergrowth , the perpetually springing beard-stubble was subversively blue-black .
20 Relegation followed , and the hopelessly over-stretched club were sliding back towards the Fourth Division when Toshack resigned in 1984 .
21 migration is , is hampering the development process and that is quite different from when the now developed countries were de were developing fifty , hundred , hundred years ago .
22 The good old pre-Taylor Report surge occured , I was flung about fifteen foot in the air , the soap box splintered , my dad acrobatically caught me in his teeth , and this big evil looking bloke got a nail in his leg from the now flattened soapbox.It was better than staying up late to watch an American Werewolf in London.The rest is history , and I 've been going ever since .
23 Some of these central support groups worked in collaboration with local support groups of teachers and others in an effort to ensure that the centrally endorsed materials were rooted in classroom experience .
24 If the materially minded evolutionists were right and mind patterns whether in humans or animals are genetically transmitted as nothing more than expressions of biochemistry , then why do dogs still retain the same instincts as the wolf ?
25 Despite this , the evacuation was successful , partly because the accident occurred at a weekend and the immediately affected area was sparsely populated .
26 After a year , the homoeopathically treated group was substantially better than the aspirin group , with two thirds of the patients better than they had been at the start of the trial , while none of the patients on aspirin had improved and most of them had dropped out , either because of unacceptable side-effects , or because the treatment was ineffective .
27 Seven of the patients in the well grown group were sexually mature ( Tanner stage 5 ) , and excluding them had no significant effect on the median serum IGF-I concentration ( reduced from 0.67 to 0.66 U/ml ) .
28 But doubt remained among them and many of them continued to think that the legitimately elected king was Philip .
29 There has been much disagreement among palaeontologists whether this indicated hunting or scavenging , but Ruby told us that she and her kind stayed as far as possible away from these large animals , for the freshly expired bodies were invariably surrounded by hyenas and big cats .
30 The freshly opened colon was pinned out and examined under a Leitz dissecting microscope by two independent observers .
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