Example sentences of "the [adv] [verb] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Here we are fortunate in that John Evans in Cardiff , Graham Hillier in Plymouth and Tony Elliott in Singapore have been committed to promoting the company , and its capabilities , whilst supervising the locally based staff and discharging the responsibilities of the senior company representative in their geographical area .
2 In addition to jobs , the measurable benefits of economic TNPs include the exports due to foreign firms , and the backward linkages that they set up in the host economy , that is the locally produced goods and services they purchase , either from existing firms or from firms established primarily to supply the TNCs .
3 This sudden and violent less of the abbey , its Abbot and three of its Brethren is perhaps the cause of the locally reported transmutations and the essence of the profoundly poignant atmosphere commented upon by so many visitors so the site — that overwhelming peace , tinged with a hint of sadness .
4 Chartered secretaries are the professionally trained administrators and managers , who occupy a variety of senior organisational positions .
5 He hated the kitchen and the elegantly curving staircase and the Egyptian rugs on the stone floor of the hall .
6 It is fairly evident that the widely spread limestones and dolomites of chapter 1 are , at least in part , explicable in terms of a wider tropical belt than we have at present .
7 With its enthusiasm for acronyms , the exchange has taken the ‘ Taurus ’ title for its computerised settlement masterplan from the full title of the scheme , the ponderously named Transfer and Automated Registration of Uncertificated Stock system .
8 This remarkable service makes him one of the longest serving employees and something to be proud of .
9 The main maser features may have originated from the slowly rotating disk or from the outflow gas near the galactic nucleus .
10 Texas drove some beasts to New Orleans and after 1849 to California , but it was the promise of the great north-eastern market which urged ranchers to explore those long routes which have become part of the heroic romance of the ‘ Wild West ’ , linking the remote south-west with the slowly approaching railheads and through them with the giant transport centre of Chicago , whose stockyards were opened in 1865 .
11 The nadir of transient UOS relaxation swas the most clearcut point and so was related to the time of onset of the common cavity episode to the nearest second .
12 Correction : the Semiconductor Industry Association is famed for putting a positive spin on the most downbeat news and making over-optimistic forecasts , so it is as well to check their announcements closely — the $1,771m recorded for chip shipments in April was actually a decline of 19.5% on the figure recorded for March ( CI No 2,166 ) .
13 The so called joys and
14 I mean I do n't understand why the church or the so called church or whatever you like to call it .
15 But the heat and the endlessly pestering fleas and bedbugs dragged them , again and again , back to consciousness .
16 The unemployment of the mid-1880s contributed to the difficulty of sustaining the policy — workhouses were not large enough to hold all of the unemployed in the hardest hit district and out-door relief had to be given by many Guardians , though normally only in return for a daily ‘ test ’ such as stone-breaking in the workhouse yard — the task most favoured by Guardians for the male unemployed .
17 Yet the revenue maintains that it was under no legal obligation to repay the wrongly extracted tax and in consequence is not liable to pay interest on the sum held by it between the date it received the money and the date of the order of Nolan J. If the revenue is right , it will be enriched by the interest on money to which it had no right during that period .
18 You went out and about for twelve weeks with your tutor constable , if you like , they call it puppy walking he was the highly trained policeman and I was the new policeman , I was with him for twelve weeks .
19 The pony/horse could have a stable and rugs , these items are a necessity for the highly bred horse but not essential for the hardy ponies .
20 Despite the much vaunted heating and ventilating system of the new police headquarters the windows of Wycliffe 's office were almost obscured by condensation and the air had a clammy warmth which reminded him of the tropical house at Kew .
21 We agreed to a spending on capital statement , we do agree to spending six hundred thousand pounds for the much needed paper and look at the council rate monies spent later this year .
22 With the same notation as earlier , since , where and , as α becomes larger corresponding to more damping , gets smaller and the poles converge on the real axis until when , which is the critically damped condition and the poles coincide on the real axis .
23 The charm of the German guitars stems from the individually crafted touches and distinctly non-mass manufactured build quality .
24 The back rooms looked into the soil of the hill , but the front over the richly clad valley and shining estuary on each arm of which were clusters of houses that thinned to scattered dwellings dotted among trees on the promontories .
25 Expressed in terms of individual psychology , the danger was one of dissolution of the painfully acquired superego and corresponding regression in the ego .
26 ‘ But we dogged our way back using the new found commitment and will of the region , ’ he added .
27 Mr Yeltsin 's spokesman , Vyacheslav Kostikov , told reporters that the parliament , formally known as the Supreme Soviet , was trying ‘ to use any means to remove the lawfully elected president and open the way to power for the forces of revenge and totalitarian restoration . ’
28 The plight of the aptly named Victim and hundreds like them was n't enough to deter Steven Morrissey into a search for everyday employment .
29 Even a formerly nomadic group , the Paumari in Amazonia grow 14 cultivars of the easily transported cassava and some other groups there grow up to 400 different types of plants ( cultivars as well as cultigens ) ; some clear fell the forest , others merely ‘ weed ’ it .
30 You get prizes afterwards so that er one had the best kept room and another one
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