Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the normal way a fraternity held an annual social function , after its festival mass , to collect the stock which was forthwith paid over to the churchwardens , less any sum retained for guild purposes .
2 In the normal way a ferret meeting a strange dog would become hostile , would hiss and spit .
3 The 2nd violins ( divisi ) play the semiquaver figure in the right-hand part an octave apart and in contrary motion .
4 No answer , but perhaps he found something in the watchful face that was not quite mute , for he smiled , and deep within the hollow eyes a spark kindled .
5 In the 16th century , an east wing was added to replace the earlier parlour , while in the 17th century a kitchen wing was built to balance it to the west .
6 It held that it was open to any aggrieved party to challenge before the European Court a decision by the Commission ordering production of documents which a party considers are privileged , and the Court has power to grant interim measures to prevent disclosure of those documents to the Commission until the dispute on privilege is resolved .
7 France would give the European Council a secretariat .
8 From the 9th to the 15th May an Age and Opportunity Week has been organised .
9 While publishing Dawson on ‘ Religion and the Totalitarian State ’ , he selected for notice in the 1934 Criterion a book highlighting persecution of European Jews ; he wrote to Pound speaking of his offence at Pound 's antisemitic remarks ; with regard to the Vichy government in 1941 he wrote in The Christian News-Letter of his ‘ greatest anxiety ’ at news ‘ that ‘ Jews have been given a special status , based on the laws of Nuremberg , which makes their condition little better than that of bondsmen . ’
10 Some seven days before the due date a decision was taken by the National Transport Workers ' Federation not to take part .
11 At the low end a 17-inch monochrome ( 1152 x 900 ) goes for $2,600 , a 17-inch grey scale ( 1152 x 900 ) for $3,100 , a 14-inch colour ( 1024 x 768 ) for $3,100 and a 17-inch high-resolution colour ( 1280 x 1024 ) for $5,000 .
12 However , this suggestion would have given the combined group a market share in excess of 50 per cent of the British market , which would have fallen foul of the MMC guidelines .
13 I decided to give the combined mode a try since I was using a fairly fast 386DX — it was still painfully slow so I reverted to separate modes .
14 In the indoor galleries a range of exhibitions and audio visual presentations provide background information about the lives and experiences of the thousands of other Ulster-American emigrants and the part they played in the birth and growth of the United States .
15 Held in Villa Grimaldi building , once a torture centre where many Chilean disappeared prisoners were detained under Gen. Augusto Pinochet " s 1973-90 military regime , the meeting ended on Nov. 11 with the decision to create a " network for life " throughout Latin America , aimed at the rapid denunciation of cases of disappearance whenever they occurred , and at the achievement of international legislation declaring the repressive practice a crime against humanity .
16 She looked the possible winner a furlong from home , but faded near the finish as the task of conceding so much weight told .
17 Who cares about the possible queue a week next putative Saturday at the Gatwick guichet ?
18 However the Velcro entrance to this compartment is only 3in long which can make stuffing back the bivvy bag a bit of an effort .
19 Hair apparently benefited : of the 120 volunteers a total of 37 stated that the condition of their hair had actually improved whilst almost all the remainder reported no deterioration whatsoever .
20 Although granites are apparently less common than in the orthotectonic Caledonides a number of concealed granites have been indicated by gravity studies in the last twenty five years .
21 He was later to become suspicious of Maine 's motives , however , as he was to see in the glorification of contract a subtle justification of the legal institutions of capitalism , and he was to seen in Maine 's insistence on the primacy of the monogamous family an attempt to prove that this institution was beyond historical change .
22 American diplomats were so appalled by Mr Zappala 's nomination that they leaked to the Spanish press a copy of the misnamed competence certificate , which is sent to the Senate , which has the final say on ambassadorial posts .
23 The proven fact of German and Italian intervention made the Spanish Republic a symbol of resistance to fascism .
24 Erm yeah , well I suppose I mean , they are quite familiar with the Spanish City a lot of them are n't they ?
25 Inside the single-storey building a leathery-faced , middle-aged white woman hacked with a kind of parang at branches of flame trees which had worked their way through the open windows .
26 Under the 1980 Constitution an executive President is elected every five years with the 65-member unicameral National Assembly ( of which 53 members are directly elected by proportional representation and 12 are regional representatives ) .
27 This they failed to do and to end the sorry spectacle an order came that the executioner should cut his head off .
28 Stratification can also weaken social integration by giving members of the lower strata a feeling of being excluded from participation in the larger society .
29 There was one girl called Clara whom she used to meet in the lower corridor an hour before classes began : they had long discussions about Tolstoy , Maeterlinck and Ibsen , and were suspected of immorality .
30 Well one of the greatest qualities a fisherman can have is of course patience .
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