Example sentences of "the [adj] [pron] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not today ; two pathways , both of soft going , lead to the Falls — the right-hand one for a good , distant view , the left-hand , less comfortable and over risky stones , for a close-up .
2 A comfortable sleeping bag provides the means to re-charge your batteries at the end of a long day so it 's important to ensure you have the right one for the job .
3 Against that background I do not believe that the path of federalism is the right one for the Community . ’
4 Against that background I do not believe that the path of federalism is the right one for the Community . ’
5 He ended his hour-long presentation with the words , ‘ We are on our way toward making the division one of the best goddamned outfits in overseas operations , and I just want to be given the chance to prove that the plan which I have outlined to you today is the right one for the British operation , for Europe and for the Corporation . ’
6 Take care to choose the right one for the job .
7 Deputy chairman Angela Rumbold said the decision was ‘ the right one for the party and the right one for the Government ’ .
8 Deputy chairman Angela Rumbold said the decision was ‘ the right one for the party and the right one for the Government ’ .
9 I suppose this is true to a certain degree but when match fishing it helps to have the right one for the job .
10 got the right one for the right belt anyway yeah
11 well I read the free one for the week and that was it
12 The latter approach was the proper one for the law to adopt .
13 Once the information is captured in one format it is almost inevitable that it will be the wrong one for a typesetter or publishing company and a whole industry exists to convert both disk and software formats .
14 The new machine or system must not be very different from the old one for a variety of reasons .
15 Said he wanted to be the pretty one for a change .
16 Two letters , one for the first one for the fifteenth .
17 The likely date for your case to be heard will be approximately one month after receipt of your original appeal letter , if your case is the only one for a particular school .
18 Erm the next erm feature is the yellow one for the Liberal Democrats , there 's one Liberal Democrat typographical error and that 's on the second page page four of the resolutions and you 'll see that in the second column there 's a total three , three , three five , that should be amended to , sorry three , three , three five that should be amended to three , one , five , five and then where it says nine the resource budget immediately below that nine , four , five , ninety four five O , it 's three hundred and sixty thousand , three hundred and sixty million , six hundred thousand , that stays the same .
19 ‘ I assure you , Caroline , when I decide it is time to take a wife , I will choose the correct one for a man in my position . ’
20 If desktop publishing is considered as a tool then it is important , as with any tool , to select both the correct one for the job and then use it in a sensible manner .
21 Parliament had some regard for the rights of property ; the old Company was allowed to run in competition with the new one for a few years , and of course in India the old Company had advantages in organization , in diplomatic connections , and in possessing established forts and factories .
22 Most people had their own Agricultural and Produce Show and the main one for the Mackenzies and the Keiths was the big Gore Show .
23 Up until eleven o'clock everything went pretty well , When just as you start thinking to yourself that 's the last one for a while , lo and behold another wagon turns up .
24 One colour stands for Jamaica 's natural resources and sunshine , one for its agriculture and hope for the future and the last one for the nation 's past and present troubles .
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