Example sentences of "the [noun] took [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , the noise bellowing around Ibrox when the teams took to the pitch was an octave or two higher than normal .
2 The king took from the Persians only their attack on the constitution of 1812 ; the project for a Cortes was ‘ lost ’ in the unsympathetic deliberations of the Council of Castile .
3 Life in this place ’ — a tilt of the head took in The Pightle — ‘ must have been squalid .
4 When the rioters took to the streets , when the fires in Bristol lit the night sky , when Attwood 's meeting at Birmingham resolved to pay no taxes , when , in short , revolution threatened , it was not because the Whig Government wanted reform as proposed in their Bill .
5 Out of the corner of his eye the Captain took in the man 's elegant , obviously expensive clothes , noted the perfume not quite smothered by cigar smoke , and remembered the remark about whether it was worthwhile going to bed .
6 It also commanded the route the crusaders took to the East .
7 Alter two long years of hard work , the Corsair took to the air once again on August 22 , 1976 as NX1337A. and , after the required air test schedule , it was repainted in its original ‘ 15F.22 ’ markings , complete with the black and yellow Suez stripes .
8 One may ask what account the firm took of the duties it owed of confidentiality and good faith , bearing in mind that , far from inquiring whether the BR board would object , it did not even say what it was doing .
9 The Army took to the offensive after Wijeratne 's announcement , and by June 22 the government claimed to have driven the LTTE from the east , including their stronghold in Batticaloa town .
10 A passing warship , the Humber took off the four-man crew , then towed the cruiser into Liverpool for repairs .
11 With the arrival of Australian surfers in the late 1960s , the Balinese took to the water like the true temple dancers they are .
12 The firebird dined exclusively upon golden apples and its powerful wings created strong winds when the bird took to the air ; as he flew , all the other birds would fall silent in awe at his grace .
13 Up to 60,000 demonstrators loyal to the NSF took to the streets of Bucharest on Jan. 29 .
14 Groups of morris dancers from as far afield as the Cotswolds and the Borders took to the streets in their colourful costumes for the festival procession through the town centre .
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