Example sentences of "the [noun] were [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 The Sechem were nowhere to be seen , and Jehan wondered if they knew what was going on .
2 The mines were dangerous , the mines were not to be left open as an invitation to any foolhardy visitor .
3 When Cardinal Wolsey fell , he had n't finished the building of Tom Quad , the whole of this side was left open because he 'd planned a very grand perpendicular chapel like King 's College Chapel , and erm the ruins , well no , not the ruins , the foundations were still to be seen apparently in the 17th Century John Gomley tells us .
4 If the election were not to be held until May or June , would an announcement be made next time we have business questions ?
5 The Smallwoods were off to Oxfordshire .
6 The remainder of the forest wastes was in most cases divided between the lords of the manors and the commoners , in proportion to the value of their interests : the allotments were then to be fenced at the expense of the proprietors .
7 The corporate power-brokers who dominated Los Angeles a decade ago when the Olympics were about to be staged — the oil moguls , the aerospace kings , the old movie-studio emperors — have now mostly left the scene : their firms broken up , in the hands of bureaucratic managers or wholly owned by foreigners .
8 The dicta were not to be followed .
9 More importantly the larger molecules manufactured inside the cell were later to be called the dna .
10 If the risks were not to great Dr. Spackman would go again .
11 The sunglasses were not to be blamed .
12 The miners were originally to be moved on 8 January 1990 .
13 Though appointed by the member governments , the commissioners were not to be representatives of national interests .
14 ‘ How 's that scheme of yours coming on ? ’ you might ask him and he would reply with just a little too much nonchalance to sound natural : ‘ Oh , I had to give it up ; we had good reason for thinking that the goons were on to it . ’
15 Leeds did well , but it looked as though top points would be shared with Huddersfield as , on the last Saturday of the tournament , the Peacocks were away to Bradford City while Huddersfield , two points behind , were home to Bradford ( Park Avenue ) .
16 Although the right to strike had been established , some of the judges were not to be so easily defeated .
17 The events of 1972 finally persuaded the leaders of organized labour ( and the great mass of trade union members ) that the judges were not to be trusted .
18 He said it correctly suspecting that the Conservatives were about to be pitched back into opposition by Lord Aberdeen 's coalition of Peelites , Whigs and Liberals .
19 It was held that although the ingredients of undue influence by the husband were established the transactions were not to the manifest disadvantage of the wife and so , for that reason , should not be set aside .
20 On such mighty systems as these the stations were clearly to be places of great importance .
21 For the time being , the dogs were still to be kept separate at night , when left at home alone , or unsupervised .
22 All parts of the body were then to be carefully washed in spirits of wine before proceeding to the third stage , which consisted in the injection of the body a second time — his system being an amalgam of that advocated by Robert Boyle and Ruysch — and the viscera , should it be considered necessary .
23 In later law , however , a testator would have had no need to concern himself with this , since a rescript of Severus and Caracalla introduced the rule that , failing evidence to the contrary , dispositions charged on the heir were also to be understood to be payable by a substitute .
24 If the lead were ever to be sold to radiation detector manufacturers it would raise more than the £24000 it has cost to salvage the hull .
25 Photomontages produced at the inquiry were up to 56 per cent inaccurate , the group says , suggesting a cutting 150 feet narrower than the one now being built .
26 Major Roger Crees , the present clerk to the captains , told me that in the early days of the composite bow — which is made up of two or more materials glued together — the glues were not to be relied upon .
27 The crew were here to film ’ Shadowlands ’ the life of C.S Lewis , who 's remembered at one of Oxford 's best-known poets and children 's writers .
28 And er you know , I often think if er the sheep knew what the farmers were up to they 'd grow teeth would n't they ?
29 True it is frustrating that Rocastle is n't even on the bench , and it is bewildering why Wilko did n't notice the totally crap defence we 've got as quickly as everyone else did , but that 's no reason to have a go ( the chants were virtually to a man I would say ) .
30 If the WCC were not to be involved , then we would also have to fund air fares ( say £1000 ) .
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