Example sentences of "the [noun] [am/are] not to " in BNC.

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1 The teacher 's interactions with the children will be vital if the opportunities are not to be missed .
2 However , in practice often the micros are not to be found near the chalkface : rather they tend to live on trolleys and inhabit locked cupboards in primary schools , and cluster in specialist departments at secondary and FE levels .
3 There are only so many different varieties of coat colour for moggies , and if the family cat was a tabby , or a black cat with a white flash on its chest , then the owners are not to be blamed for thinking that their long-lost friend has finally found its way home .
4 The mass of the PFM is unknown and therefore the abundances are not to be regarded as the number of atoms per kilogramme of PFM , 20 Ne being arbitrarily placed at 10 22 atoms per kilogramme to facilitate comparison with the graphs for the planets .
5 These feelings must be taken into account if the common interests of both the producer and the consumer are not to be seen as being in conflict .
6 Surely that threatens the environment , and surely the Government 's proposals for removing the power of the House to make the final decision on railways means that the Government are not to be trusted with the environment .
7 In academic , exploratory research where the results are not to be analysed and presented in statistical fashion a research worker may feel that he or she can not have an assistant to help with interviews since the whole approach is very subjective and non-statistical .
8 He did not concern himself with the business of creating such a society , only with the description of what it ought to be like : the actual propositions in the book are not to be taken literally , in other words , since he was offering only the ideal model of a better civilization .
9 From Cuba to Japan is a long leap , and the ‘ economic difficulties ’ of the largest ELT market in the world are not to be compared with those of other countries .
10 There was here some enquiry and the that enquiry as a matter of public policy I understand the documents are n't to be available , even if they assist the police , or if they assist the other side .
11 The conclusions are not to be taken as true of every pair of things of which the second is called an effect .
12 The rights of the individual are not to be violated in the name of some collective good , whether that good be the good of the ecosystem or the good of sentient life ( both human and nonhuman ) , and independently of whether these rights are violated ‘ humanely ’ or otherwise .
13 The standard wines from the estate are not to be sniffed at — or rather they repay careful nosing , especially the unusually ripe but fresh and balanced Pinot Blanc ( £5.49 ) , and the highly perfumed Muscat ( £6.99 ) .
14 panning shots along the benches are not to be used .
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