Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv prt] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In many instances , the first reaction of parents was to take the user along to see the family doctor .
2 In Scotland , unlike England , rates were charged on empty buildings and many owners simply took the roof off to avoid the levy .
3 at the county ground … it was hard going … we 've slowed the action down to make the most of Swindon 's best chance against fellow strugglers Sheffield United in a goaless draw …
4 And , with a little nod , he followed one of the paramedics out to join the co-pilot in the last of the ambulances .
5 This a bedroom key for receptacle which turns on energy systems only when the fob is inserted — and turns them off again when the guest takes the key out to leave the room .
6 Step in gently and push the boom out to help the boat turn away from the wind .
7 Er are you going to get the car out to get the wheely- bin out ?
8 Then he turned around and held the taper up to illuminate the scene .
9 I adjusted the position of my skis , laid out the chute lines , hauled in the centre cord a little , clipped the controller into my climbing harness , thought about it a bit , hauled the lines up to give the nylon a bit of air , closed my eyes and gritted my teeth .
10 The rules are simple in that all you have to do is to move the blocks around to free the prisoner .
11 Turning the machine over reveals the high and low speed switch on the top .
12 for us to prove one way or the other that that , that that they co , the advantages out weigh the disadvantages .
13 So we had to get the bobbies down to kick the door in , and you can imagine at three o'clock in the morning , some some deaf and dumb couple , there 's this big coloured bobby le leaning over and waking them up .
14 The , we 've been working with the water authorities as I said , they 've pulled all the stops out to provide the actual water resource and we 've provided the tanks and the distribution systems .
15 Plate glass welcomed the sun in to warm the inmates who sat in armchairs , waiting .
16 They keep the nets down to keep the flies out .
17 We 'll take the fish down put the clown up instead .
18 He was casually waving the waiter over to settle the bill , his voice reflective .
19 Put the pieces back to make the pots .
20 The temptation to swing the trolley round to face the other way had to be resisted .
21 They may mix the water in to use the sand wet .
22 With someone watching him all the time except when one of Them let the other out to fetch the papers .
23 So I know a guy for example who , when he gets his Visa bill say the last third of the month , he puts it into the envelope , and makes a note in the diary on say the twenty first , to pay the Visa bill , and when he gets to the twenty first , lo and behold , he knows where the Visa bill is and he has to pay it .
24 Whether they were going for a new place , or staying , the hired hands were all given the day off to attend the Hirings .
25 If the answer was ‘ stoppin' ‘ , the labourer would be given an extra shilling to fasten his contract for the next year , but he still had the rest of the day off to attend the merrymaking at the Hirings .
26 Government employees were given the day off to swell the crowd , and Mr Hun Sen emphasised that only his party could guarantee that they would keep their jobs .
27 Now because it was frothing up I 've turned the bunsen off to control the reaction it 's slowing down again now .
28 The company says the product has been redesigned from the ground up to exploit the GUI but keep compatibility with existing 20/20 applications .
29 Even with the boat sailing flat a certain amount of spray goes aboard , so get the bailer down to drain the cockpit .
30 But what I needed them for was to deliver the heart , rubescent and entire , to the woman about to answer the bell at number 68 .
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