Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb past] [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 On one occasion Lord Mountbatten had found him licking his wounds and asked if the Prince had been upsetting him .
2 Now all this hinted , I 'm sure you 'll agree , that the split had been brewing , indeed planned for some time .
3 The worst violence yesterday was in the western city of David where the trial had been taking place since July 6 .
4 On the other hand , virtually all the demands which the Anglicans had been pressing for in their attempts to come to terms with James , such as those made by the bishops in their meeting with the King on 3 October , did .
5 While the ramparts had been melting , the jungle beyond them had been growing steadily thicker .
6 He had hardly finished his remark when there was a terrifying roar overhead as a salvo of shells crashed into the area near to where the Germans had been mortaring .
7 The Sons had been running short of funds .
8 The chairman had been introducing people for an eternity , and still no sign of him .
9 The Dragonslayer had been receiving signals from the unnamed planet .
10 Politicians and political parties for some months prior to the announcement of the date of the election had been making their arrangements for manifestoes and candidates .
11 It is believed that the gang had been watching the property from a nearby field .
12 The officer commanding the militia had been listening to the conversation between the two men with growing unease .
13 The pensioner had been caring for his sick wife and had been able to make the US trip only because she had been taken into a nursing home to allow him to have the break .
14 The gunfire and noise in the woods had been lessening as it drew nearer and the targets became fewer .
15 Up to this time Jones had been concentrating on his muon work for which the DOE had been providing the funding .
16 Jones responded by reminding everyone that the DOE had been funding his work for nearly three years already , that he had positive results ready to publish , that the DOE funding agent had encouraged him to go ahead and that he was due to speak about them at the Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore during 1–4 May .
17 Meanwhile however , the rest of the Hurricanes had been suffering badly at the hands of the German fighters .
18 Maggie remembered how the building had been rocking on its foundations .
19 I had a little snigger ; it had to be fully ten minutes since the last stroke of eleven , and the thunder had been murmuring dark warnings ever since .
20 And of course he knew as well that the Admiral had been stirring it .
21 Kindred spirits reaffirmed loyalties which the authorities had been trying to suppress .
22 In point of fact the JCS had been pressing for consistent applications of containment ever since 1947 , had identified US security interests with Nationalist success in China and had declared that , if the Chinese Nationalists were to fall , the US must be prepared to accept eventual Soviet hegemony over Asia .
23 He had indeed caught on from the bad vibes the driver had been giving out — the nervousness , the pale sweat-beaded face , the rapid eye movement towards the back seat — that something was bothering the guy .
24 Perhaps the luck had been going our way recently .
25 She had not been able to work out where the noise had been coming from .
26 THE CHAMPAGNE had been pouring into Downing Street since dawn , everything from a Nebuchadnezzar of Moet & Chandon to a bottle of Marks & Spencer 's own , but Mr Major touched not a drop .
27 Although the college had been admitting female students in recent years , its outward appearance still succeeded in impressing the visitor with its austere and indefinably masculine grandeur .
28 People from outside the college had been coming in freely , causing trouble , stealing and even beating students .
29 Six of the escapers had been facing death sentences .
30 A useful technique to employ in such situations is to carry out a pasture larval count on the field on which the animals had been grazing .
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