Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [art] many " in BNC.

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1 Essentially slow-running and of limited horsepower , the majority of the many thousands of engines made by Hornsby between 1892 and 1922 were used as stationary engines for agricultural and general workshop purposes .
2 He had raised his voice so that it carried through the babel of the many conversations at the high table , and even reached the nearest of the lesser knights below .
3 Each nucleus of an egg or sperm cell has a unique genetic constitution , but the nuclei of the many millions of body cells of an individual all have the same or similar genetic constitution .
4 More importantly it has also been the experience of the many students on whom the approach , exercises and problems have been piloted over the last four years .
5 These were , no doubt , the products of the many Greek artists who were brought to Rome at this time .
6 Coopers & Lybrand 's insolvency team has analysed the reasons for the many unnecessary corporate failures it has recently dealt with .
7 English Heritage chooses now to stress the responsibility of the many boroughs of which London is made up : ‘ Our policy is , in consultation with the boroughs , and over an agreed programme , to withdraw from the exercise of our powers where we are duplicating their functions ’ .
8 Picton-Howell 's main mission in life was to record faithfully the minutes of the many meetings she attended .
9 The manner and extent to which safety recommendations are followed up is an area where there is considerable room for improvement on the part of the many regulating authorities who have to some extent misjudged the degree of public anxiety on this subject .
10 Were it not for the single inconvenient occurrence in the data ( example 22 ) of they as the subject of a singular verb , we could set up an initial list of ‘ invariant ’ environments , which themselves are characteristic of this vernacular system , prior to an investigation of patterns underlying the variability in the many environments which permitted it .
11 This is one of the survivors of the many mills formerly strung out along the Painswick Stream and probably took its name from the Damsell family who lived in the area during the 14th and 15th centuries .
12 A quarter of a century later , the conventional wisdom of British mandarins looks complacent , self-serving , ill-informed , and outmoded — especially in the light of the many serious breaches by the United Kingdom of the European Convention on Human Rights .
13 This is especially true in the light of the many more recent and post-independence projects that have failed , despite the often sizeable investments in the form of aid .
14 A sweat of devout ecstasy beaded it , the moist sheen reflecting the light of the many electrocandles — moonlike and radiantly , so it seemed to his congregation .
15 He scooped a handful of marble out of a bannister as if it were plasticine , and briefly enjoyed the traces of the many fingers that had brushed over this patch of cold stone down the years .
16 One set of scenarios for the engineering industry suggests that in a country such as Norway , with small communities at the heads of the many fiords , an appropriate use of the technology would be for each community to have some equipment to produce particular parts of a product or to engage in particular parts of a production process .
17 Our team of expert Editors select the best and latest titles by scanning the lists of the many thousands of titles published each year .
18 Most notably , ensuring that a few do not profit at the expense of the many and limiting foreign control of the economy are important concerns in Hungary , and will no doubt influence the law .
19 We can not simply allow ourselves to cash in on private sector industry at the expense of the many unemployed and low-paid whose living standards will inevitably decline as a result of the spiralling costs of wholesale privatisation .
20 A report on the principal conclusions to be drawn from the appraisals of the many SERC schemes designed to make its sponsored research more relevant to Britain 's economic problems was also completed in 1985 .
21 I shall never forget the kindness of the many people who took it in turns to give me a lift , so that I did n't have to drive there and back .
22 Being harder and more durable , they also have withstood the elements over the many centuries that have passed since their arrival , while their softer plinths have been eroded by wind and rain and frost , leaving unaffected only those parts actually under the ‘ umbrella ’ protection of the boulders above .
23 When she had made the rounds of the many churches in Lynne , she was ‘ urged in her soul to go and visit certain places for ghostly health ’ , and her husband , either from kindness , or afraid that she would get into trouble , accompanied her .
24 ‘ There is now not the slightest doubt that a part of the increased number of cancer cases can be attributed to the effects of the many new chemicals present in the environment ’ , he reported .
25 This mediation of ethics makes indirect one 's access to the problem of the relationship between the religious faith of some and the morality of the many , particularly on the issue of the freedom of the individual versus the intervention of the state .
26 The killing in Hrothgar 's meadhall described in the ensuing passage was clearly the origin of the many Country House murders which were to feature in Hercule Poirot 's investigations .
27 The assumption is based on religious writings , which in their turn are probably based on the primitive beliefs which early man formulated in pursuance of that almost uncontrollable urge to find something beyond himself to which he could ascribe the origins of the many mysterious things around him .
28 In the writing of inspection reports it will be essential to express findings in a positive manner and in a language and style that address the concerns of the many non-specialists who make up the audience for the reports .
29 Thus , in order to distance the law from the many preconceived cultural notions about rape , rapists and rape victims , a new terminology may be thought to be desirable .
30 Only a few months after vesting day , they were still wrestling with the enormous problems of reorganisation and the standardisation of the many different electricity tariffs they had inherited : this additional burden seemed to them too much .
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