Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] and for " in BNC.

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1 Then they hit the main road and he opened the bike up and for an awful second she thought she was going to slide off the back .
2 If we were to wind up the POWs fund and pay out the money once and for all to all POWs that we could find , we could run into severe problems in the next 10 to 15 years as these chaps get very old and need help even more .
3 The person assembling the kit computer will not be liable under patent law , however , if he assembles and uses the computer privately and for non- commercial purposes .
4 ‘ Pure Trance And Techno ’ is the catch-line here and for once it 's roughly right .
5 So , in 1978 , she called in the Rev Victor Malan , of All Saints Church , Northampton , to exorcise the ghost once and for all .
6 Mr Marland wants action to clean up the mess once and for all .
7 Thenceforth his symphonic music inscrutably presented the emotions — albeit largely ironically — that the State expected from its leading composer while the quartets provided an outlet for the emotions within and for his personal responses to the event taking place in the world around him .
8 Why not simply take the hint and turn his back on the village once and for all ?
9 Suddenly the need to know the truth once and for all was too great .
10 4 In consideration of the above payments the Publisher will be entitled to distribute the Video worldwide and for an unlimited period of time for non-broadcast use only and to use any still photographs in any books published to accompany the Video or in any publicity or promotion material for the Video and accompanying books .
11 4 In consideration of the above payments the Publisher will be entitled to distribute the Video worldwide and for an unlimited period of time for non-broadcast use only and to use any still photographs in any books published to accompany the Video or in any publicity or promotion material for the Video and accompanying books .
12 I have a lot of respect for the people there and for the fact that , at least for me , the treatment I received was really cheap .
13 At the same time as Endill and Mould were building their catapult an expedition had been organised to find the creature once and for all .
14 He opened the door quietly and for one second saw her unobserved , leaning against the stove at the end of the hall , her model on the seat beside her .
15 In 1838 a troop of Nottinghamshire dragoons and the metropolitan police were attacked with stones and bricks and in 1839 the government brought in the 5th Dragoon guards to suppress the bull-running once and for all .
16 That , one would have thought , was an indictment sweeping enough to settle the matter once and for all .
17 Setting out Labour 's case for international co-operation to strengthen world security and combat environmental degradation , Mr Kinnock said : ‘ It is an argument for global citizenship — a recognition of the fact that in the world now and for the future , passive co-existence is not enough .
18 ISU photographs certainly disproved the myth once and for all — yes , Tom did have hair ! !
19 For him , it settles the problem once and for all .
20 This in turn puts him in the right frame of mind to be helped to overcome the problem once and for all .
21 And it solves the problem once and for all .
22 A fortune awaits the inventor who can solve the problem once and for all .
23 Mr Ismet Sezgin , Turkish Interior Minister , who is visiting Damascus next week , said : ‘ I am going to warn the Syrians once and for all against their support for terrorism . ’
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