Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 " Consideration should be given to the possible institution of a mechanism for the defence of citizens ' rights as regards Community matters ( " ombudsman " — a Danish proposal ) … "
2 The outcome of this project will be a computer simulation routine usable on standard microcomputers designed to assess the response of consumers ' expenditure and VAT revenue to changes in VAT rates .
3 All chairmen were social class I , the majority of employers ' representatives were social class II and over 80 per cent of employees ' representatives fell within social classes II and III ( Bell et al. , 1974 ) .
4 The other thing on that sort of erm side is that this is the first survey which we 've had since we started doing the survey in nineteen eighty eight when the first numbers were compiled , it 's the first survey which we 've had where the majority of regions ' manufacturers say that their unit costs have already fallen , erm we have n't seen that before , so the majority of regions said that the costs had fallen .
5 Others emphasize capitalism 's success in raising the majority of workers ' living standards , as the most famous early Marxist revisionist , Eduard Bernstein ( 1961 ) , contended .
6 On the other hand , the openings in companies ' legal departments are much fewer than in private practice ; and in any case you should not consider articles in commerce or industry unless you are keen to make this your career .
7 Having hauled themselves to the top of the manual workers ' pay league , the reduction of miners ' political offensive to an economic demand foundered on the success of economism during the 1972 and 1974 pay offensives .
8 Two other benefit changes directly affecting women are the reduction in widows ' benefits and the replacement of the universal maternity grant by statutory maternity pay , administered by employers , which is subject to contribution conditions and liable for tax .
9 Differences in provision between one authority and the next can be wide ( eg on capitation allowances , the funding of teachers ' centres , off-site visits by school groups ) .
10 Multinational publishers also made a considerable contribution and investment to the process of subject curriculum development , in co-operation with institutes and centres , through the funding of writers ' workshops in Science , Mathematics and later , Social Studies and in the production , on numerous occasions , of trial editions , particularly of language courses .
11 Personalised design for parts of the core training programme overcomes the two problems of differing regional resources and the variety of entrants ' experiences .
12 In summary , our understanding of basic cognitive processes suggests that top managers can have a powerful effect on organization behaviour and direction by reducing the variety in subordinates ' schemas ( core values ) .
13 The direction of subjects ' lateral eye movements has been correlated with EEG alpha activity , consistent left movers showing a relatively greater degree of alpha activity ( Bakan and Svorad , 1969 ) .
14 In this case , the accounts are addressed to the shareholders and the balance sheet is a statement of shareholders ' financial position while the income statement is the change in shareholders ' financial position .
15 Some trade unions argued that free time was as important as perhaps even more important than — money in the struggle for workers ' rights .
16 Heads and governors were not required to manage these two main influences although headteachers themselves were often directly involved in the committees and working parties which steered the programmes of teachers ' centres .
17 The women claim that the existence of commoners ' rights invalidates the defence bylaws under which thousands have been fined or imprisoned for trespassing inside the base .
18 The Board for Engineers ' Registration ( which comprises nominees from engineering Institutions ) and its associated committees is asked to play a leading role in the introduction of risk assessment and management in initial and continuing education and training for engineers .
19 The paper on diary keeping in asthma actually takes anecdote , in its broadest sense of narrative of uncertain significance , as its subject , testing the reliability of patients ' written accounts of their asthmatic symptoms .
20 Nowhere else , however , are the meanings of residents ' assessments explained .
21 The criminal activity of these older users was in the main restricted to offences relating to the possession and supply of the drugs themselves and the burglary of chemists ' premises to obtain drugs .
22 The swell of responses seemed alone to fill the crisp air , even the rasp of soldiers ' boots on the paving-stones went unheard .
23 Inefficient and ineffective note-making methods often lie at the heart of students ' inability to realise their potential .
24 He also studied the coloration of snails ' shells in different local environments .
25 Benjamin was on the point of replying when we heard the clip-clop of horses ' hooves and saw Doctor Agrippa making his way slowly towards us ; his mount , a gentle cob , ambling along as if it was a balmy summer 's day .
26 There were no unions or guilds or other associations for they were not needed ; our employers were fair-minded and trustworthy , but the greatest incentive of all was the fact that , as reporters , we enjoyed the smell of printers ' ink as much as the actor is supposed to enjoy the smell of grease-paint — we loved our jobs and would usually much rather be chasing down ‘ a hot story ’ than eating .
27 In the case of magistrates ' courts the amount is subject to a maximum of £2,000 on any one order .
28 I would be interested to know how you think company meetings by telephone — particularly in the case of directors ' meetings — should be evidenced in the minute book .
29 36 Safeguards in the case of daughters ' inheritance
30 Several other Scottish education authorities — including Dumfries and Galloway , Highland , Tayside and Strathclyde — have already developed strong anti-smoking policies , though none is thought to have rejected the case for smokers ' areas .
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