Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The note destroyed the intimacy between the two .
2 Once we have tasted the intimacy of a whole group being with the Father and hearing his voice , there is placed in the believer a hunger for this that will not go away .
3 It lit up her face with the intimacy of a shared confidence , as if they were old sparring partners .
4 What is clear is that behind the brilliance of the official Court there lay a core of family — one is tempted to say bourgeois — life , but this is not , of course , how the Second Empire is remembered , for few even of the courtiers were admitted to the intimacy of the Imperial family and the general public not at all .
5 How can I be so curmudgeonly , so rude , to an organisation which makes it possible for me to enjoy the serenity of Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal , the bone-chilling bleakness of Housesteads , the intimacy of the walled garden at Wallington ?
6 Interestingly , the exhibition identifies two paintings in particular as possessing this quality of intimacy : William Nicholson 's and Victor Pasmore 's portraits of their respective in which the intimacy of the marital relationship , it is supposed , finds direct pictorial expression in the paintings themselves .
7 The full stage production has the advantage of scenery — the exterior and interior of the home in the Boston area — but loses the intimacy of the in-the-round presentation at the Studio theatre .
8 She longed to wake him so that they could make love again but did not dare to because , for all the intimacy of the previous hours , Constance knew that she was lying next to a virtual stranger .
9 Major topics in this literature are marital happiness , the division of labour and the general patterning of husband-wife roles ; the combination of women 's employment with marriage , and its consequences for husband-wife and mother-child relationships ; the inter-relationships between the nuclear family and the wider kinship system ; and the ‘ captive wife ’ syndrome — the socially isolated situation of women with young children .
10 Full appreciation of place will involve exploration of the inter-relationships among the physical environment , the built environment , and the people .
11 Webb was one of the key figures in the restructuring of the Football League following the breakaway of the Premier League .
12 SOCRATES and Plato may be unlikely corner men for an aspiring heavyweight champion , but Lennox Lewis , the man reluctantly carrying the tag of the next Frank Bruno , is a lover of philosophy , and admits to being ‘ one of those deep-thinking kind of guys ’ .
13 It is impossible for me , for reasons of space , to do more than summarise the most relevant parts of the judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada .
14 The majority of potentially battle-winning systems are pursued at or beyond the frontiers of existing technology where the risks of failure are high ; where cost estimates are notoriously uncertain ; and hence where the judgments of the soundest and most experienced men can turn out to be fallacious .
15 It is only necessary to refer to the second of those cases which were decisions of this court , because in the judgments in the second of those cases , reference is made back to Brown v. Draper .
16 But both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords supported the Minister , Lord Keith saying that the judgments in the Divisional Court illustrated the danger of judges wrongly , though unconsciously , substituting their own views for the views of the decision-maker who alone was charged and authorized by Parliament to exercise a discretion .
17 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
18 Loretta turned to Simmons , feeling it was not an auspicious moment to trouble the porter with a sensitive request .
19 In another entry the master had sent the porter for the medical officer at three o'clock in the morning to attend a single woman in childbirth .
20 They followed the porter along the serpentine path , then suddenly they were through the trees and into a glade ringed by clumps of trees , silent except for the gurgle of a small brook as it splashed down some rocks which thrust up out of the ground like the finger of a buried giant .
21 It seems evident from the widespread popularity of the enactment of the hunt that simple timber arenas were provided in all large and probably even in small settlements , for they were part of the activities at the seasonal festivals .
22 She was involved in planning the activities with the advisory teacher and took on full responsibility for organising the equipment for each session .
23 A judicial inquiry into the activities of a Liberal Party fund raiser in Ontario , Patricia Starr , opened on Sept. 18 , 1989 .
24 In the area of competition and canvassing there are three general headings under which the courts will examine the existence of reasonableness of a restraint : 4.1 Restricted activities If the employer seeks by contractual restraint to restrict the activities of a former employee by proscribing the types of business in which the employee may become engaged once employment is over then he can only do so if he can establish a close connection betwee the restriction and the work done by the employee prior to leaving .
25 Each committee covers a major section of work within a geographical area , linked to the activities of a broad management function , for example ‘ transport ’ ( i.e. train crew , stations , signalboxes , etc. ) , ‘ works and installations ’ ( i.e. permanent way activities ) , offices and workshops .
26 The National Old People 's Welfare Council , now known as Age Concern , coordinates and encourages the activities of a vast number of local groups concerned with old people 's welfare .
27 A host state may restrict the activities of a financial institution as far as it is justified by the general good .
28 It is , similarly , often argued that the racism manifested by the central institutions of British society is actually due to the activities of a few individuals — the rotten apples .
29 Indeed he suggests that despite its problems hierarchy remains the most efficient mechanism for integrating the activities of a large group of people , of making an organization work effectively .
30 An investigation is being conducted into the activities of a large American laboratory which is alleged to have falsified test results on pesticides .
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