Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
2 A third is that many of the buy-outs and recapitalisations succeeded because the managers knew something the shareholders did not about future cash flows .
3 The writers have mistakenly made the verb agree not with this noun but with the final noun in the subject .
4 In custodial terms , even a successful simulation exercise does no more than transfer the operational persona of an historic early machine to a currently supportable platform ( typically a 486-based PC ) which will itself be duly subject to generational obsolescence : the potential of the technique lies not in the immortality of current hardware but in the prospect of machine-independent software .
5 It 's odder still when the money comes not from the anonymous depths of the Eurocurrency market , but from the savings accounts of Americans living in Ohio .
6 If the court decided at this stage that the case did not in fact involve the performance of a public function , the case should normally be allowed to continue as a non-Ord. 53 case if the applicant wished .
7 If the text does not of itself suggest lines of further investigation , Appendix 5 may be consulted .
8 However the facts are that the courts have not for the last 300 years recognised , nor have they acted upon , a logic which renders all questions of law jurisdictional .
9 The correspondent intends not to be ungenerous .
10 ‘ ( 1 ) When the seller is ready and willing to deliver the goods , and requests the buyer to take delivery , and the buyer does not within a reasonable time after such request take delivery of the goods , he is liable to the seller for any loss occasioned by his neglect or refusal to take delivery , and also for a reasonable charge for the care and custody of the goods .
11 ‘ ( 3 ) Where the goods are of a perishable nature , or where the unpaid seller gives notice to the buyer of his intention to resell , and the buyer does not within a reasonable time pay or tender the price , the unpaid seller may re-sell the goods and recover from the original buyer damages for any loss occasioned by his breach of contract .
12 Different groups had to lift the positive flap just a little ( half an inch ) or rather more ( up to seven inches ) ; thus the groups differed not in whether they had received pre-training with the cues but in the magnitude of the response acquired .
13 The difficulty lay not in identifying the issues but in tackling them resolutely .
14 This time the difficulty lies not in the term ‘ professional ’ but in the term ‘ development ’ .
15 The calls came not from the opposition RPR-UDF coalitions , but from separatist groups .
16 But the fires were bonfires and the bells told not of danger but of joy .
17 The proofreading seems not to be as accurate here as in the rest of the book , and there are some flaws in the details concerning the manuscripts and the discussion of the settings .
18 The latter 's daughter , Lady Joan , is certainly interested in ‘ the Condition of England Question ’ , and his guests include the principled , High-Church , and well-born clergyman , St Lys , who retorts to Lord Mamey that war on the cottage does not at first seem so startling a cry as war on the castle .
19 That the outlaws had not in fact appeared was due to the violence of the storm and to the message which that very evening they received by smoke signal .
20 The play suffered not from wrong direction , but from wrong production , ’ he maintains and firmly lays the fault at the door of the H. M. Tennent organization .
21 It has been suggested that any remaining reluctance to review the exercise of the prerogative stems not from the source of the power but from its subject-matter which will often be non-justiciable .
22 Hence the dictionary aims not at completeness but rather at covering the more usual words of the language and avoids rare usages of these words .
23 Moreover , the anomaly arises not from the word ‘ maladministration ’ but from the limitation that the complaint must be about action taken by the society .
24 Their relation to the totality emerges not through the form of synecdoche — the typical detail which can then be generalized as metaphor — but should , according to Lukács , be drawn out through the narrative which inscribes and extends a connection between such moments of empirical reality and the general laws of history as a totality .
25 The key lay not in the direct transfer of power into the hands of workers on the factory floor but the administration of industry by a ‘ workers ’ state' in their interests .
26 With the drying floors removed , the brickwork of the roundels proved not to be very strong and it was necessary to span the circular spaces with timber beams before the new upper floor was installed .
27 A mother invariably in the kitchen while father is at work or cleaning the car does not in fact represent the actuality of British family life today .
28 This meant that an innocent purchaser could buy a car from such a hirer only to discover at some later date that the car did not after all belong to him .
29 The last minute addition of the recommendation did not in any way comply with the law and the recommendation would be quashed .
30 As regards first editions … no author could have left behind such confusion in the classification of his novels as Wallace , although it would be fairer to say that the fault lay not with him but with his publishers .
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