Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The algorithm keeps a second list , called CLOSED , of nodes which have been expanded and removed from OPEN .
2 The algorithm has a new variable , S , whose value is such a pair .
3 The algorithm examines every shallow state , which can be constructed by a short path from start , before it examines deeper states .
4 The algorithm includes an extra variable called LR , for ’ Last Rule ’ , which is set to the rule which generated the current state N.
5 The following may also appear beside the tag to indicate the current state of the media unit in the Offline cycle :
6 Daalny had acted , after all ; she must have taken the second key during Vespers , from the nail where at noon she had watched the porter hang the first one , but she had had to wait for near-darkness before using it .
7 Certain types of mental illnesses result in a diminished awareness , so that the sufferers are not able to be completely responsible for carrying out the activities to achieve a safe environment .
8 In addition , the activities have a variable delay imposed during their execution to minimise the adverse effect on interactive users of LIFESPAN .
9 With ‘ Jacko ’ in great form the defence weathered the early and emotional surge of City pressure , gained control of mid-field and then Gerry Queen scored from close in .
10 Arguably , the defence has no evidential burden to discharge in this situation , for , since the defence is seeking to do no more than deny the basic elements of the prosecution 's case , any assertion of consent by the defence should be placed before the jury .
11 Whilst welcoming the recommendation that the defence has an enforceable right of access to forensic material held by the prosecution , the Law Society is concerned and surprised that it is not proposed that this will extend to unused material generally .
12 The defence infused a breathless energy into every move ; they bustled the northern cracks into comparative impotence ; they beat back this magnificent fighting line which has been the terror of a dozen clubs as a break-water hurls back the lashing waves .
13 With the defence ensuring a frustrating afternoon for the league 's leading scorer , Michelle Clark , the rest of the team were able to set up camp in the Wimbledon half .
14 We regret though that it will not allow the defence to make an early submission of no case to answer in the magistrates ' court .
15 The defence protects the honest views of the crank and the eccentric , but not when they are based on dishonest statements of fact .
16 Where sexual intercourse takes place before the barrel of a gun , it seems quite appropriate that it should be up to the defence to discharge an evidential burden with respect to consent .
17 It is similarly arguable that it should be up to the defence to provide a proper foundation of evidence for an assertion that a woman who has been robbed by a man nonetheless subsequently consented to sexual intercourse with him .
18 The 20-year-old is set to make his home debut at Easter Road against Dundee after helping the defence to keep a clean sheet at Fir Park and Firhill .
19 The response showed a significant shift , with more people ending up opposing the death penalty , even for the specific offence of terrorist murder .
20 The income becomes the highest part of the settlor 's income although the settlor has a right to recover the tax from the trust .
21 Elf astrologers and geomancers studied the portents to divine the best time for the new king to begin his reign , and calculated the best time for him to pass through the flame .
22 For everyone else , though , it is a blessing : once blended , the uranium presents no more threat than any other nuclear fuel .
23 In a stinging attack , Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown mocked Mr Major 's habit of looking on at soccer and cricket matches — and said the Premier did the same when it came to the economy .
24 The instrument of war was the national State and it mattered little whether that State was called the beachhead of a world working class or simply an ordinary republic : the disciplines remained the same .
25 The tent had a damp patch where it sagged between the poles
26 Indeed , as we have seen , such an infantile fixation at a pre-genital stage is an inevitable consequence of the very thing which explains the protests and the revolt against authority — the inability to transcend the phallic , Oedipal phase .
27 In the last chapter we saw that the crisis of capitalism resulted from the crisis of humanism — the inability to resolve the basic tension between freedom and control .
28 More wounding than the question is the inability to give a coherent answer .
29 Lack of communication and the inability to see a differing point of view are cited as being the main causes .
30 Even middle management might be frustrated by the restrictions on their authority , the impersonal nature of their organisation , the inability to earn a just reward for their special efforts ( owing to the standardisation of pay and promotion procedures ) and the lack of information about aspects of the organisation which should influence their work .
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