Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 There have certainly been criticisms of the relatively narrow view which private practitioners have taken of their work ( a failing which results partly from the type of legal education currently provided ) and it is true that the introduction of the legal advice and assistance scheme in 1973 was intended to give solicitors the opportunity to take a wider range of work .
2 If you already have a first degree , the OU offers the opportunity to take a higher degree — MKA , MBA , MSc , BPhil , MPhil or PhD — either taught or by research .
3 While many visitors are simply content to unwind on the beach or indulge in a little holiday sport and activity , others have the opportunity to gain a better insight into the history and customs of this beautiful region .
4 The reduced diameter of 85mm of the new block creates the opportunity to produce a greater variety of shapes .
5 Again fortune favoured him with the death of the Empress in November 1198 and his wardship of the young Frederick II which allowed him advantages denied to his predecessors , not the least of which was the opportunity to build a stronger Papal State .
6 France had other priorities now : she was in the midst of a dramatic modernization at home , had the opportunity to play a greater role in world affairs , and did not need the distractions of a nineteenth-century problem .
7 The Socialist government of Sr Felipe Gonzalez saw lower consumption forecasts due to lower levels of economic growth as offering the opportunity to establish a better energy balance .
8 Surely the Chancellor now has the opportunity to announce a further cut in interest rates .
9 Video also creates the opportunity to observe a wider range of teacher personalities , teaching styles , classroom conditions and learning needs .
10 Of these 57 authorities , 32 had been Partnership or Programme councils , and the remainder had a lower status either as Other Designated Districts or benefited from the traditional Urban Programme from which very many councils had gained some , often limited resources .
11 The reduction followed an earlier relaxation of tight monetary policy on Jan. 23 , and was denounced by the opposition as " blatantly political " .
12 The second reason , strategically more important , was that the Pentagon wanted a closer look at what was going on between Aoun and Saddam Hussein .
13 Second , s 13(1) of the UCTA prevents a further possibility of evasion by creating an extended definition of exemption clauses .
14 When the manufacturer charges a unit price somewhat above zero , the retailer sets a higher price for any given price of retailer 2 , leading to the reaction function and equilibrium at B. The same argument can be made for manufacturer 2 .
15 By doing this , ‘ they have helped to set one area and one group of workers against another in the struggle to obtain a higher share of the inadequate number of jobs available . ’
16 For example , the real spending of a department or service might be the same under whatever system of accounting is adopted but in a given year , using cash accounting , the cash payments could be postponed by as little as 24 hours so that the accounts record a lower figure .
17 This doctrine appears in an altered form in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads where Wordsworth tells us that he had written about ‘ low and rustic life … because in that situation the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity ’ .
18 This is supported by Wordsworth 's defence of his choice of the common people as subject matter — ‘ Low and rustic life was generally chosen , because in that condition the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity … ’
19 For instance , the appearance of the partitive expression " one of the ministers ' later in the narrative presupposes an earlier reference to the group of ministers as a whole .
20 While , for the reasons just explored , raising the standard of care may have only a limited impact on the courts ' willingness to categorise a decision as negligent rather than as a mere ‘ error of judgment ’ , it may still nevertheless lead to the courts playing a greater role as monitors of business efficiency .
21 But Allied and neutral losses continued to mount so steeply that the Germans supposed a further five months would see Great Britain subdued .
22 Feed requirements could be reduced by the increased exploration as the birds obtain a greater proportion of their diet from the surrounding woodland .
23 However , the Liberal backbenches after the election contained a larger number than before of members known to be committed to social reform .
24 The decision to produce a further supplement for continuing care units for the elderly with mental disability arose out of the recommendations of the Timbury Report which was published in 1978 and which recommended " the provision and management by the health service of continuing care unit accommodation for the elderly confused . "
25 The buyer receives a further 100 from the seller who has to pay an equivalent amount as variation margin .
26 where goods are so ] d by a person who is not their owner , and who does not sell them under the authority or with the consent of the owner , the buyer acquires no better title to the goods than the seller had , unless the owner of the goods is by his conduct precluded from denying the seller 's authority to sell . ’
27 The more high technology the Russians acquire the greater are the production difficulties and delivery backlogs .
28 Most controls were from lower to mid-middle class , while the cases had a greater spread of social class .
29 The kitchen occupied the lower storey of the dwelling and most of the space in it was taken up by a lemon wood table and four rush-seated chairs decorated in traditional colours and floral patterns .
30 Surely if the skills desert the greater proportion of working men and women ; fewer apprenticeships being served for the faster rewards of assembly ; we have to look to new industries with high labour content as opposed to high capital content for our long- term social remedies .
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