Example sentences of "the [noun] go [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The money went to found the Scottish International Educational Trust , a fund based in Edinburgh which is meant to ‘ benefit Scotland ’ .
2 Three quarters of the money goes to maintain the national organisation and to provide central services for Bureaux .
3 I was told not to push then , and I saw the midwife go to cut the cord , and finally it clicked what all the fuss had been about .
4 So into the garage the car went to have the seats changed — under warranty , of course — and the ‘ bad ’ pair couriered to Courtaulds for full forensic examination , results of which will be known by the next Running Report .
5 ‘ Is burying yourself under the covers going to provide the answer to your problems ? ’ he asked sceptically .
6 In yet another case quoted by Afshan , the girl went to ask the help of someone regarded as a community leader .
7 The watchman went to tell the local Chief and when he came back the body was gone . ’
8 They would go straight to his agent , who would deduct his commission and the rest went to pay the tax man .
9 Was the woman going to shut the door in her face ?
10 I knew it was a deliberate attempt from the word go to bring the band down .
11 On Thursday morning , the children went to fetch the presents which other people had promised — eggs , meat , tomatoes .
12 But 1951 was also the year in which the climax had not happened because the Chinese did not arrive and all the plans for increasing US assistance , in which this was a contingent but major factor , would in the end go to help the French reinforce their position in Indo-China or , at most , help them to decide the time when they might depart .
13 One member of the party went to summon the rescue team and the helicopter appeared as we neared the CIC hut .
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