Example sentences of "the [noun] be [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The park is home to a fascinating and varied collection of mammals , birds , reptiles , fish and invertebrates from all over the world .
2 The base is home to the RAF Hercules transport fleet .
3 Speyside in the Highlands is home to the malt whisky industry — the top of the range Scotches that attract a fanatical following among whisky buffs .
4 All the money is forfeit to the Crown , so Pip is once again poor .
5 The clerk is secretary to the charity programme of the church and knows the recipients . ’
6 Viewing times for the houses are Monday to Thursday 1pm-4pm , Wednesday from 7pm-8.30pm and Sunday from 3pm-5pm .
7 The duchess being bride to the heir presumptive , with the princes gone , any issue of hers would have been regarded by many as rightful sovereign of the realm .
8 In 1951 the course was host to some archaeologists who extended the digging started in 1909 in the garden of Harpsden Wood House ( overlooking the carry of the 13th hole ) .
9 In relation to the disclosure to the defence of material in the possession of the prosecution , the key is fairness to the accused but the practice varies between different jurisdictions in the common law world .
10 The Professor was advisor to the Tory dominated Transport Committee , and he 's convinced the sell off will be a turn off .
11 Reforming the British Army to operate as a potential expeditionary force on the Continent was anathema to pacifist opinion .
12 They showed not only that for most elderly people the costs of community care were considerably lower than those of institutional care ( and that home care would therefore remain cost-effective for many even if service provision were greatly increased , when the alternative was admission to an institution ) , but also that community care was not necessarily cheaper , and that there were some elderly people for whom institutional care would be less expensive ( though not necessarily to be advocated solely on that account ) .
13 The hut was home to some lizards and to the island 's one taxi driver who had sequestered it as his office and gasoline store .
14 Lothian Regional Council 's Policy and Resources Committee on the 20th October , recommended that ‘ the Council be party to the legal action against Professor Littlechild , in his capacity of Electricity Regulator … ’
15 Opening hours of the museum are Wednesday to Sunday 2 to 5pm .
16 The demand of the Campaign is amnesty to all unauthorised workers
17 My uncle in the evening had read aloud something where the line was quoted The child is father to the man and these words insinuated themselves not into the stony ground and thistles of my mind but into the dark rich soil that brings forth a hundred fold .
18 The child is father to the man ’ said one of the tenders of cradles in a pause in his song .
19 The words ‘ The child is father to the man ’ , had haunted me all the morning .
20 They say the child is father to the man ; yet looking back , across those immensities , those aeons , separating myself now from myself then , I can see almost nothing that I owe to him , almost nothing we have in common .
21 It is contained in the old aphorism ‘ the child is father to the man ’ , and expresses the belief that a child 's experiences in the early years will leave a mark on him for the rest of his life .
22 Freud 's hypotheses are not upheld : if the child is father to the man it is for reasons other than missing out on the breast and a too early acquaintance with the potty .
23 We have just heard from the hon. Gentleman that all our proposals for discounts for single people and alleviation of the top rates of the tax are anathema to the Labour party , which wants to return to the full rigours of the rates .
24 The venue is home to about 200 mentally and physically handicapped students .
25 A closed van was coming fast from the other direction , and the Montego was nose to tail with the car in front of it .
26 The infant was heir to a rapidly diminishing but still substantial fortune accumulated in the fifteenth century when the Spencers were among the wealthiest sheep traders in Europe .
27 The old part of the town is home to one of the most famous Venetian harbour promenades in Greece and the modern town is notable for its busy indoor market , and the only one in Crete .
28 The House held that the plaintiff was volens to the risk of harm and his action therefore failed .
29 With the draw being kind to them , Glasgow Western , Britain 's most successful side in Europe , have a realistic chance of securing a medal for the fifth successive time .
30 The marquis is heir to the £100million Blenheim estate .
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