Example sentences of "a party to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If it is the duty of such a party to a contract , whether at common law or under statute , to disclose in defined circumstances confidential information , then he must do so , and any express contract to the contrary would be illegal and void .
2 The significance of Rookes v. Barnard was that it made it clear that a threat of a breach of contract was unlawful for this purpose but the criticism has been made ( and this indeed was the opinion of the Court of Appeal ) that if intimidation is extended to threats to break contracts ‘ it would overturn or outflank some elementary principles of contract law , ’ notably the doctrine of privity of contract , which holds that one who is not a party to a contract can not found a claim upon it or sue for breach of it .
3 ‘ ( 1 ) A party to a contract ‘ deals as consumer ’ in relation to another party if — ; ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) … the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
4 If a party to a contract is in breach of one or more of its terms , the remedy depends on the status of the particular term or terms which have been broken .
5 Let us suppose that an action is brought for breach of contract by a party to a contract who is a natural person who has suffered both personal injury and property damage as a result of the breach .
6 For example , where a party to a contract has a power or discretion , and this affects the rights of other parties , a term is frequently implied that the power will be exercised in a reasonable manner , or at any rate not arbitrarily or capriciously .
7 Section 4 of the Act provides that a party to a contract who deals as a consumer can not be required to indemnify any other person against any liability that other may incur for negligence or breach of contract , unless the indemnity clause satisfies the test of reasonableness .
8 A party to a contract " deals as a consumer " in relation to another party if — ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) in the case of a contract governed by the law of sale of goods or hire-purchase , or by section 7 of this Act [ ie other contracts of supply ] the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
9 Section 12(1) of UCTA 1977 provides as follows : 12 – ( 1 ) A party to a contract " deals as consumer " in relation to another party if ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) in the case of a contract governed by the law of sale of goods or hire-purchase , or by section 7 of this Act , the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
10 Where a party to a contract deals as consumer or on the other 's written standard terms of business ( McCrone v Boots Farm Sales Ltd 1981 SLT 103 ) that other can not by reference to a contract term limit , exclude or restrict his liability ( ss3 , 13(1) of UCTA 1977 ) , and this applies to terms and notices ( s13(2) of UCTA 1977 ) .
11 The 1977 Act also deals with clauses exempting a party to a contract from liability for misrepresentation .
12 Under s8 of UCTA 1977 , s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967 is replaced by the following : 3 — If a contract contains a term which would exclude or restrict ( a ) any liability to which a party to a contract may be subject by reason of any misrepresentation made by him before the contract was made ; or ( b ) any remedy available to another party to the contract by reason of such a misrepresentation , that term shall be of no effect except in so far as it satisfies the requirement of reasonableness as stated in s11(1) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ; and it is for those claiming that the term satisfies that requirement to show that it does .
13 Article 2 ( h ) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides that ‘ A third State means a State not a party to a treaty . ’
14 It does not matter why a State has failed to become a party to a treaty , or whether it is eligible to become a party and intends at some time to do so .
15 He followed the traditional approach of considering separately the imposition of burdens upon a third party from the conferring of benefits , and stressed in his commentary the requirement of good faith prior to becoming a party to a treaty .
16 Accession is the traditional method whereby a non-signatory becomes a party to a treaty .
17 Another claim is that a certain State has not become a party to a treaty , and therefore can not share in the distribution of values projected by it .
18 A party to a transaction with a company is not bound to enquire whether it is within company 's objects or as to any limitation on the powers of its board of directors to bind the company or to authorize others to do so ( CA s. 35B ) .
19 ‘ An order under section 6(2) requiring the third , fourth and fifth defendants to pay such sum as the court thinks fit to the plaintiffs or alternatively into court or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 30 or , alternatively , to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 31 in such manner as the court may direct for the purpose of restoring persons who entered into transactions with the first defendant in the course of contravention of section 3 by the first defendant to the position in which they were before the transactions were entered into .
20 ‘ An order under section 6(2) requiring the third , fourth and fifth defendants to pay such sum as the court thinks fit to the plaintiffs or alternatively into court or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 30 or , alternatively , to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 31 in such manner as the court may direct for the purpose of restoring persons who entered into transactions with the first defendant in the course of contravention of section 3 by the first defendant to the position in which they were before the transactions were entered into .
21 ‘ An order under section 61(1) that the third , fourth and fifth defendants and each of them pay such sum as the court thinks fit to the plaintiffs or alternatively into court or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 30 or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 31 in such manner as the court may direct or alternatively that they take such other steps as the court may direct for the purpose of remedying the contravention by the first defendant of sections 47 and 57 .
22 ‘ An order under section 61(1) that the third , fourth and fifth defendants and each of them pay such sum as the court thinks fit to the plaintiffs or alternatively into court or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 30 or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 31 in such manner as the court may direct or alternatively that they take such other steps as the court may direct for the purpose of remedying the contravention by the first defendant of sections 47 and 57 .
23 A third State ’ means a State not a party to a treaty' .
24 It will therefore be important at the outset to establish which persons are likely to be presumed by the Panel to be acting in concert with a party to a takeover .
25 Although in the Iliad the word dikē denotes a judgement given by a judge or an assertion by a party to a dispute of his rights , in the Odyssey it signifies ‘ right ’ or ‘ custom ’ .
26 According to the UN Charter , ‘ Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members , including the concurring votes of the permanent members ; provided that , in decisions under Chapter VI , and under paragraph 3 of Article 52 , a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting . ’
27 Recognising South Africa as a party to a dispute about its policies in Namibia would have required identification of the other parties .
28 An example of such a provision is common Article 2 of the Geneva Red Cross Conventions , which provides that the parties shall be bound by the Conventions in relation to a party to the conflict which is not a party to the Conventions ‘ if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof ’ .
29 The terms of the trust will need to be documented and the trustee made a party to the trust deed .
30 If a program is licensed by a publisher , the program author could be liable in negligence even though he is not a party to the licence agreement .
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