Example sentences of "a good [noun sg] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 However , the government will sometimes have more information or be in a better position to take a decision .
2 I only ask this question because devotees of this composer have probably never been in a better position to acquire a good cross-section of his output on disc .
3 And as he had said , no-one was in a better position to do a photo story like that than she was .
4 In football , rugby , or cricket the ability to stop the frame at the crucial moment or play-back a sequence , which has come recently with the development of video , has actually placed the viewer and the commentator in a better position to make a decision than the unfortunate referee or umpire .
5 Frankly , until somebody finds a better way to build a GTi , we 're all the competition we need .
6 There could n't be a better way to start a season .
7 There must be a better way to achieve a city at peace with itself .
8 I take in my opinion the size , scale of settlement that is being pursued by erm North Yorkshire is of sufficient size , erm my experience erm are twelve fifty to fifteen hundred new settlement is sort of of a size that can sustain a reasonable balance of community facilities , I think in looking at the new village and in the context of P P G thirteen its highway implications , we see from table one of er Mr Curtis 's supplementary statement that public transport , I E bus and train , in terms of journeys to work to the Greater York area amounts to about eight percent of all journeys made , now I think if we were to follow Mr Curtis 's view through and put all development on the periphery of York , if we put two hundred to the North , two hundred to the East , two hundred to the South and so on and so forth , the contribution that those , that new housing can make to improving the public transport system , will be very small , if you concentrate your developments in a new settlement , or or maybe two new settlements which is another point , erm you have a better opportunity to provide a public transport system which would not only serve that new village , but also settlements in the surroundings , and I think you will find that the percentage of people in the new village who are reliant on public transport as a means of getting to work is greater that what you find in the Greater York area at the present time .
9 ‘ THERE WILL NEVER BE a better time to buy a used car . ’
10 THERE has never been a better time to build a dream home at a bargain price .
11 As I say when you become a councillor you do not do it for money , I mean I think probably to be a better reason to become a councillor these days .
12 To propose that the separation of assessment from provision might provide a better incentive to create a needs-led service , than professional judgement , is to show a degree of confusion about the origins of our present predicament ( shortage of resource ; bureaucratization , etc. ) bordering on the incredible .
13 A good board has a personality , a soul ’ , he said .
14 It is a good technique to allow a few seconds at the beginning of a shot before the pan movement actually starts to allow the audience time to take in the scene .
15 Nothing like a good dislocation to cheer a patient up , ’ Jack said wryly .
16 A death is always exciting , always makes you realise how alive you are — how vulnerable but so-far-lucky , but the death of somebody close gives you a good excuse to go a bit crazy for a while and do things that would otherwise be inexcusable .
17 I hope it will be a birthday year in in every way , er but it 's not just a good excuse to have a party there is very serious intent behind this birthday .
18 Although you may not want to go on a course , or can not afford to , it is a good idea to ask a friend or relative you feel comfortable with to play the part of the interviewer and let you have a dummy run .
19 If you have a fish house which is space-heated it is a good idea to ask a friendly neighbour to check the heating every day to make sure it is working properly .
20 Yet in Morse 's view it was always a good idea to ask a few inconsequential questions .
21 But would n't it have been a good idea to ask a relative or neighbour to go with her or to look after the children who were not going to receive attention ?
22 It is a good idea to view a property more than once , at different times of the day , as what may seem a peaceful haven during the day , when everyone is out , turns into a nightmare in the evening , when families come in and televisions are turned on .
23 Since Britain 's year to spend has coincided with its EC presidency , MEP Patricia Rawlings , decided it would be a good idea to put a selection of the parliament 's contemporary art on view .
24 If you intend to use the language of flowers to send a message on your card or picture it might be a good idea to put a rough translation on the back or inside the card to avoid confusion , just in case there is more than one meaning for a particular flower !
25 It is a good idea to put a tiny piece of Blu Tack beneath the strip at both ends to stop it slipping out of place .
26 It 's never a good idea to allow a house to stand empty , especially through the winter .
27 It is n't a good idea to draw a sketch first of how you want the finished work to look , since it never seems to look quite the same when it is finished .
28 If the wall surface is very uneven , it would be a good idea to create a new surface on to which you could then mount the mirror tiles .
29 A towel will be required to dry off your pet , and it is a good idea to accustom a puppy to being dried in this fashion , as well as with a hair-dryer .
30 If it is likely to be sizeable , it might be a good idea to hire a consultancy actuary to analyse the scheme involved and to pinpoint the relevant facts .
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