Example sentences of "a [adv] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The structure plans tended to be based on a survey — analysis — plan approach which required a rather determinist view of the issues which they examined . ’
2 When it was time for the newly-weds to say goodbye , Anna behaved in a most un-Romany manner by flinging her arms about Seb and kissing him .
3 It should be noted that for the purposes of our valuation we have used a conservative forecast of £ [ B ] million , reflecting a below target performance for the first five months of the financial year .
4 Gives a kinda insurance policy for the future . ’
5 With hindsight , and also with my regular weekly exposure to the full taxonomy of psychic pathology , I diagnose a somewhat depressive turn of mind .
6 Yet it emphasizes the close personal bonds which had existed between the dukes of Aquitaine and their vassals : the Pommiers were an ancient family , members of the ducal household , and it was to this kind of traditional relationship that appeal could be made by a largely absentee king-duke at periods of crisis .
7 They had a generally depressive effect on domestic rice prices , and threatened to undermine the prosperity of the majority of domestic farmers for whom rice was still a staple crop .
8 The most consistently outspoken broadsides against the old Establishment came from the Institute of Directors , a once moribund association of small businessmen and oddball intellectuals , which revived itself by taking up Thatcherism almost before the term had been coined .
9 10:17 gives a slightly difference order for the middle section — Gershonites and Merarites carrying the tabernacle , then Reuben , Simeon and Gad , followed by the Kohathites with the sanctuary .
10 There is a trumpet-like incisiveness in the middle and upper registers and a positively ringing sound at the top .
11 Sociologists have either to accept a thoroughly verificationist approach to both Freud and to many of the founders of sociology , or to be inconsistent and accept a judgement made by psychologists about Freud which is based on logical and philosophical assumptions which , if applied to Max Weber or Èmile Durkheim or Marx , would lead to these thinkers being likewise dismissed as unscientific .
12 It is not far-fetched to say , as Charles Moskos of Northwestern University argues , that campaigners for gays in the ranks wanted to use the armed forces as a social-engineering experiment ; and that they wanted to impose their values on a supposedly irredentist segment of American society .
13 His penal thinking was an application of his general philosophy that law and government should pursue ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ , which logically led him to espouse a purely reductivist approach to punishment , with no place for retributivism of any description .
14 Nick , by this time leading a glamorous social life in England with his girlfriend Arabella ( Ari ) Campbell MacNair-Wilson , daughter of a Conservative Member of Parliament , proposed that since nobody wanted a purely business party for journalists and other promotional appendages , each of the children should invite their own friends .
15 As an established ‘ national ’ institution the BBC head of sport claims ‘ we do n't approach life from a purely business point of view ’ .
16 But in a typically maverick comment on the matter , Baden-Powell thought that if there had been an increase in juvenile crime , then this was ‘ rather a promising sign ’ .
17 erm Anybody that 's well-organized , good at clerical operations , preferably can type a little bit even though , if only perhaps with a few fingers , erm would make a perfectly computer operator for a small firm .
18 Using profit maximising analyses and based on a model of a mainly cereal farm in the eastern counties he has calculated the likely impact of various assumed changes in the economics of farming .
19 p.s. saw Celtic play here a few weeks ago — a really SHITE team at the moment .
20 Thus it is one thing to adopt a radically subjectivist posture towards law reform and another thing entirely to purport merely to be describing the law as it is and then to conclude that it is wholly or even primarily subjectivist .
21 In the mid-1880s , Mr Lawson Tait , who as police surgeon in Birmingham during the 1890s exhibited a profoundly misogynist attitude in his treatment of rape victims , commented that ‘ to leave only the inferior women to perpetuate the species will do more to deteriorate the human race than all the individual victories at Girton will do to benefit it ’ .
22 Following the successful launch of the Sainsbury 's Book of Children 's Cookery , the company sponsored a Today newspaper competition in which children were asked to answer questions about food and cooking .
23 Despite the atomising tendency of fundamental physics , with its motto " divide and rule " , we have found that the EPR experiment points to a surprisingly integrationist view of the relationship of systems which have once interacted with each other , however widely they may subsequently separate .
24 ATLANTIC College , a bewilderingly polyglot school at Llantwit Major on the Welsh coast , has admitted two Albanians .
25 It would be absurd to adopt a rigidly determinist view of what has gone on in the formation of culturally transmitted marriage laws .
26 In the latest incidents , an antiques dealer was attacked at Keele services on the M Six shortly after midnight and yesterday a woman driving along a quite country road in Chepstow had her car rammed by a gang wielding baseball bats .
27 It expects entry-level boxes built with the PICA chip set and the Acer reference design to go for under $3,500 yet offer a fivefold performance leap over 66MHz Intel 80486DX2 machines .
28 In a lecture that I gave in Rome I tried to show that in spite of what Thomas Kuhn says ( which has been much exaggerated by his followers ) , you can not write the history of any branch of knowledge , whatever it may be , from a completely relativist point of view .
29 A large and angry group of people hurled beer bottles and cans at East German border guards at the Checkpoint Charlie crossing point on Saturday and tore down parts of a newly metal fence in protest .
30 The 1930s saw the beginning of the development of a primarily student/intellectual sub-culture in which Marxism gradually became the prevalent ideology .
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