Example sentences of "a [adj] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 being the Chief Clerk and then turned left and down quite a long corridor , which in those days was erm shorned up with four by four timber posts because er , presumably they thought if the County Hall got a direct hit the ceiling might come down
2 It is obvious that you can not out of a joint get the sauceboat full which usually appears on the table .
3 We currently lack network documentation for hardware and software , and we do not even have a schematic showing the network connections .
4 It brings to mind the old dictum that a Tory soliciting the vote of one prominent Labourite may be regarded as a misfortune , but to solicit the vote of two looks like carelessness .
5 But I I could n't get over you know , I say , I had a quick look the other at Marks you know , to even do the Christmas serviettes they 're doing a lot more and they said if people are n't buying as much on the clothes side erm so they they 've come down , I mean now I can get erm come over , and I said you 've never looked at Marks I said you never buy clothes , I said have a look in Marks , I said they do some really lovely
6 However , in a society where we tend to reject praise , it is vital a manager observes whether or not a subordinate accepts the praise when it is given .
7 The scales on the lower half of the body carry black marks which show up as a black patterning the intensity of which depends on the fish 's mood and condition .
8 Dry manager Leroy Richardson was frogmarched to a safe containing the weekend 's takings .
9 Privacy may not be a consideration , in which case the simplest treatment may be a sheer to soften the window outline ; or , for a more cosy feeling at night , combine it with a roller blind .
10 Suppose , as was possible , that the person to whom the behaviour was directed had been a heterosexual using the lavatory for its proper purpose .
11 THERE will be another feather in the cap for Stirling County 's pioneering youth policy this weekend as a stand-off makes the grade at the highest level .
12 It is er er the police auth authorities are would not be robust to changes of government , they would not be responsive to the leads of local people as expressed through their elected members and the er the Government 's proposals are inadequate as a final remind the Committee that at second reading thirty f er five out of thirty seven speakers spoke against largely against th the tenor of the Bill with er er wi with with various reservations o of all kinds .
13 Or some of them they cut the whole floor out and weld a new take the floor old car and weld it back in again .
14 Each time the lighter went about on to a new tack the ballast had to be shifted to the windward side of the boat .
15 little dog at one of the horse and they kick its legs and that was a nasty blamed the dog .
16 ‘ When we were looking around for a royal to open the centre , we were promised as soon as someone was available for a royal visit , we would get one , ’ said Peter Carberry , chairman of Darlington Mind .
17 The opening tune is an instrumental called The Brother and we also do a John Hiatt composition called Real Man .
18 The general constitutive equation is found to be where and is now an integral involving the deformation gradient .
19 If that involves an overnight stay the scheme will pick up the bill for accommodation .
20 ‘ Where would such an adept get the information ? ’
21 Mark Feinstein , an American researching the problem , writes in New Scientist : ‘ Why would an animal spend such an extraordinary amount of energy letting the entire world know it 's indecisive ? ’
22 The ideal filters for the beginner who aims for a simple tropical community are undergravels , an internal to suit the size of your tank , or indeed both .
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