Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] as to " in BNC.

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1 mislead a private customer as to any advantages or disadvantages of a contemplated transaction .
2 Not only that , if we accept that there has been a divorce between ownership and control in the typical large company , then management has escaped effective shareholder supervision and hence possesses a broad discretion as to the ends for which the company 's power shall be used .
3 As for the promise to ban fox-hunting , it was given with such a blithe nonchalance as to be spine-chilling .
4 Bloomsbury House reacted sceptically with a half-hearted inquiry as to the Home Office attitude to refugee medical students .
5 because they do n't give a specific definition as to what a landlord is or a rich peasant or a middle peasant meant that how that there was a lot of flexibility within that and it 's only later that they have to reissue those two documents on how to analyze the classes which erm which had been published in nineteen thirty which they felt that you know the Party 's moving too far away , but why did n't they do it at the time ?
6 This desire to accommodate the life of the spirit in everyday activities is finely illustrated by the Latin instructions in a fifteenth-century manuscript as to how a devout layman should regulate his daily life , from his rising with all swiftness and signing himself with the cross , to his final return to bed when he must go to sleep in the uncertainty , salutary from a penitential , if not somnific , point of view , as to whether he will survive until the morrow .
7 Other factors — such as de Gaulle 's deep-rooted suspicion of British designs on the French empire and the personal animosities which developed between him and various British and American officials — aggravated tensions but their root cause was a complete disagreement as to whether Free France should act and be treated as an independent sovereign power .
8 ‘ It 's a complete mystery as to why they 're in Scapa Flow , ’ he said .
9 The closing words of the subsection as it now stands , providing that ‘ in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act ’ seem to me to call unmistakably for the exercise by the local authority of a subjective judgment as to what constitutes suitable accommodation .
10 So far as the B T U Tax is concerned , erm it 's really a political issue as to where the administration or the Congress in the end decide to place the tax , I mean in very simple terms the nearer you place it to the consumer , the more effective it is , but the less politically palatable it is which because consumers vote and oil companies do n't an and so er I think it will be political pressure to push it nearer to the well head which will be less good for the oil and gas producers .
11 It would enable them to take the surrender of the 200,000 Croats on their arrival in Austria and hand them back to the " local Jugoslav forces " , without having to be concerned by the general instruction that all surrendering Yugoslavs should be retained pending a political decision as to their ultimate disposal .
12 When a judge , particularly one with Lord Scarman 's breadth of mind , is appointed to inquire into an outbreak of violence and serious disorders on the streets of Brixton and the policing of the area , it is unrealistic to expect him to avoid any recommendations of a political nature as to the causes .
13 In these instances , the practitioner must be able to address conflict , if possible reduce it and , if not , come to a professional judgement as to how conflict can be managed .
14 Assign a rating on a ten-point scale as to how important each consideration is .
15 But it 's no secret , however and er we 've heard echoes of that this morning that there is a lively debate as to the pre precise details of what a reform package should be .
16 Now erm I understand that , talking to my learned friend Mr this morning , that erm he will be contending for a different approach as to the basis of compensation .
17 When you use this you are editing the event as you record it so you need to have a clear plan as to what you want to record and what you do n't .
18 Before it embarks on the task of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ the local church must have a clear idea as to the hoped-for result of such an undertaking , and should make appropriate plans to maximise the chances of achieving it .
19 There thus seems to be a need for those planning services to have a clear idea as to the role of any planned day care .
20 Ian Grist , the junior Welsh minister responsible for health , says he and Peter Walker , the Welsh Secretary , ‘ fully recognise the need for the NHS in Wales to be given a clear steer as to its future direction ’ .
21 No organisation of substantial size can avoid operating problems unless there is a clear understanding as to the structure of the tasks and relationships of an organisation , ie. where authority and responsibility rest .
22 He said that the money should be used for job creation projects in 1993 with a clear indication as to which projects were funded by the levy . .
23 Department or the County Treasurer 's Department is not considered to be relevant to the needs of erm , the County Council , the people of Lincolnshire , and I think it 's reasonable to ask that question , and to hope that erm future conservatives speakers in this meeting , on this paper will give a clear indication as to what will be the effects of a budget reduction .
24 Please ensure that all money submitted , whether as cash or cheque , by hand or by post is accompanied by a clear statement as to what it represents e.g. Q.T. fees , payment for music lessons , subscriptions to the Society , donations etc. etc — because , one an amount has been credited to a certain account it can not be transferred to another .
25 The remodelling of commissions of the peace , and the careful disposal of government offices , had the effect of greatly increasing the ability of the government-backed party to bring pressure to bear on electors to vote in their favour , whilst the mere fact that the Crown was making a clear statement as to where its own political sympathies lay was often by itself a powerful factor in swaying public opinion .
26 It was a conscious choice that I wanted to go into the company , but I did n't have a clear view as to what particular part of the business I was interested in .
27 Only then can we give even a sensible guess as to the potential of e-documents and their associate structures and environments .
28 IT 'S DIFFICULT to come up with a definitive explanation as to why , but the music industry is currently going through its worst trough in over a decade .
29 Incorrect orientation may lead to the distortion of vault form , and may also give a wrong impression as to the morphology of a particular area .
30 This has a direct bearing as to remedies .
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