Example sentences of "a [noun sg] find [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A teacher who regards his work in this way , who sees his task as being not merely an overseer of academic progress but a mature adult who watches over and helps a child to find personal identity in an ever more complex and fast moving world may deservedly claim to be considered doing work worthy of professional status .
2 In the second , we are talking about the likelihood of a woman finding adequate childcare facilities for her children and entering the labour market , at a fairly high income level , possibly after many years ' absence from paid employment .
3 The bourgeoisie as a class found enormous difficulty in combining getting and spending in a morally satisfactory manner , just as it failed to solve the equivalent material problem , how to secure a succession of equally dynamic and capable businessmen within the same family , a fact which increased the role of daughters , who could introduce new blood into the business complex .
4 In an attempt to find new blood to lead the science research councils , the then education secretary , Sir Keith Joseph , a great proselytizer for the new approach , hired a firm of headhunters .
5 Reynolds held talks with leading politicians on Feb. 19 , in an attempt to find cross-party agreement on the case , but made it clear that a referendum to dilute the constitutional clause on abortion would be avoided if possible .
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