Example sentences of "a [noun sg] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It simply means thinking a little about your diet and daily routine , and improving it a bit at a time .
2 The secret is not to get too greedy and try to knock off large pieces : aim to knock out the back of the tile at the corner , which weakens the front , and then gently hammer the front , a bit at a time .
3 got to break it down into little steps and do a bit at a time
4 Instead of doing it a bit at a time , we can just multiply it .
5 I , yeah , I drove up , up there and back , like , my leg do n't ache , they ached a bit at a time , but that , you know that bone you get , each side of your keep your thumb there , you 've got that bone , underneath there 's a bone there , you might , or the bottom bone that you 'll sit on , you know when you sit still you get that bone .
6 Have to do a bit at a time .
7 I think they eat more if they can just help themselves a bit at a time when they want it .
8 What I 'll do , I 'll pass you the box and then you can take them out a bit at a time cos I 've sorted them .
9 No , you pull it out a bit at a time , not just
10 And they go down at a bit at a time or it 'll go all the way down .
11 To actually go through it a bit at a time I mean the majority of it is fine
12 It hurt a bit at the time , but I got myself free and did n't think a lot about it just then .
13 Mr Anderson was married and had a mistress at the time of the alleged rape , the jury has been told .
14 They considered themselves above parish apprentices , yet of the fellow members of the cutter club with whom he rowed on the Thames , Place recalled that the stroke was hanged for a murder he did not commit , not being able to provide an alibi as he was committing a burglary at the time , while the cox was transported for a robbery .
15 Opening a brewery at a time when Britain 's drinkers are supping less beer than they used to might not seem like a good idea .
16 Repeat Step 6 and continue , a strip at a time , all the way up the forehead until you reach the hairline ( see Fig. 13 ) .
17 Repeat a little lower down , a strip at a time , until you reach the edge of the cheekbone .
18 To make this silver anniversary picture , you could either press the flowers used to celebrate the day itself or you could press a selection of flowers beforehand and give the finished picture as a present at the time of the anniversary .
19 If I can use erm an analogy of my own rather than of his , to produce erm a detailed adaptation of an organism to a specific way of life , if only large steps , large mutational changes were possible , would be a little like trying a surgeon trying to remove erm an appendix with a scalpel mounted on some kind of trolley clamp with the rule that he could n't move it less than a foot at a time .
20 Have a look at the times anyway yeah ?
21 And then we changed things like the name because we found somebody 's name in all these words , somebody , and we just sellotaped it down , and at the end when we were running out of time , and we did about three times have a look at the time , we did change the script slightly to fit the words that we 'd found so we had responsibilities instead of , I do n't know what it was , but instead of another words , just because we 'd found it .
22 Colleagues , it 's approximately four twenty five , what I propose to do is to go on for a short period and to take in the resolutions on the , on your erm Maastricht erm and then we 'll have a look at the time , but I think we should be able to get those in within a , a relatively short period of time .
23 This guy who lives round the corner had just come out and he 'd started up in business again and he was laying it on me a gram at a time and I was doing it out in bags .
24 ‘ I do n't think Steven had a telly at the time , ’ confirms long-time Morrissey acquaintance Len Levenshulme , adding cryptically , ‘ Steven Morrissey ?
25 One most destructive mode by which vast numbers are destroyed is that of chasing the birds in a boat at the time they shed their primary quill-feathers , when being unable to fly they are soon rowed down and captured ; this practice , which is to be much regretted , is usually resorted to for the sake of the beautiful down with which the breasts are clothed , but not unfrequently is mere wantonness .
26 Drescher has not the pervasiveness of Wedgwood 's image of the kneeling slave , first designed for a medallion at the time of the 1788 petition campaign but afterwards widely translated to other formats .
27 Furthermore all heavy trucks and a growing number of vans are diesel-powered , so such a move would have the additional benefit of giving the road transport industry a boost at a time of recession .
28 Then one night I went out and I met this DJ from Taboo , which was a club at the time .
29 ‘ He was recommended to us and I think he did n't have a club at the time .
30 ‘ He was recommended to us and I think he did n't have a club at the time .
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