Example sentences of "a [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bridging precariously above the protruding spike concentrates your mind wonderfully on the old cliche — ‘ not a route for the married man ’ !
2 The second way in which the discussion of Russia is significant for the relation of Marxism and anthropology is that Marx 's interest in traditional peasant communities became less theoretical and more practical , as he considered the possibility of the Russian peasant commune becoming a base for a future revolution .
3 Further U-Boat attacks and the discovery of a German plot to use Mexico as a base for a possible attack on the USA , brought armed intervention in the war on the Allied side in April 1917 .
4 Here you launch straight into a 120ft free abseil to a sea-washed rock platform , which serves as a base for a splendid two-pitch wall climb , finishing with a joyous ( and solid ) jug-pull , poised above the sea .
5 Use Campbell 's Condensed Cream of Tomato soup to give richness to chilli or curry sauce , or as a base for a quick pizza topping , for instance with some herbs , mushrooms , peppers and salami .
6 If you own a microwave oven , jacket potatoes take very little time to cook yet form a base for a tasty meal ( add tuna , beans , sweetcorn , cottage cheese or whatever low-fat filling takes your fancy ) .
7 Stockings that were past repair were used as a base for the new victory roll hairstyle .
8 The main focus of the statement was on the need to guarantee peace through enhanced regional economic integration in order to achieve " a process at the national and regional level which permits an accelerated reconstruction and transformation of production and technology of the Central American countries as a base for the efficient and dynamic insertion of the region into the world market " .
9 The Reef is built up from the hard skeletons of dead polyps , and forms a base for the living coral .
10 Often local pubs serve as a base for the local community : as Neil Richardson pointed out in CAMRA 's Pub Preservation report of 1980 , ‘ The pub is first and foremost a social centre , the best ever invented …
11 Plymouth is a base for the Royal Navy , making , repairing and servicing warships and training their crews .
12 The Convention also includes , in Article 14 , a provision for the compulsory settlement of disputes by arbitration , at the request of either of the parties in dispute .
13 Richardson , Texas-based Micrografx Inc warns that it has uncovered corporate funds mismanagement in its Japanese subsidiary Micrografx , KK which may result in a loss of $500,000 , and it will likely take a provision for the non-recurring loss in the fourth quarter ; the company further realigned its worldwide operations to respond to changes in software purchasing trends and the costs of marketing products and services and expects to report a loss for the fiscal .
14 Chief among the reforms was a provision for the direct election of Assembly delegates .
15 Just as the greater includes the less , so a provision for the marginal case must include the central case .
16 Only then did she fully realise that if she had been five minutes later the watchers keeping a lookout for a stray boy might , tomorrow , have been hauling ashore the sodden body of Gus Hambro .
17 The last leg of the expedition was proving more than a trial for the young naturalist .
18 It was to have been another Scarborough , a resort for the wealthy of Middlesbrough .
19 Subjecting proposals to scrutiny by a body distinct from management may well be desirable , but this is clearly a function for an actual supervisory board , and not one for the court .
20 The pupil 's classroom and working groups ( how an individual 's behaviour may have a function for the whole group who may then try and prevent him from changing it ; how groups may be handled so as not to ‘ need ’ one child 's particular behaviour and instead support his progress )
21 The ‘ intellect ’ is seen as a function for the direct apprehension of images — to illumine the products of sensory and mental activity , to distinguish , and this is aligned to the thought processes which offer seemingly fragmented views of reality , being centred on objectivity .
22 There was undoubtedly a case for a small increase in numbers for the benefit of both divisions of the court .
23 The general line of argument developed by Musgrave and Musgrave ( 1989 ) is that , while there may be a case for a separate tax policy in relation to corporations , it is not evident that the type of corporation tax system enacted fits the bill .
24 If British Rail is under pressure to increase the frequency of its service , there is a case for a coordinated transport system operating bus and rail services , If there is a need for transport when it is not convenient to run rail services , or if only a certain number of trains can run on a line because goods trains and passenger services can not operate at the same time — although perhaps British Rail should be more innovative in its mix of passenger and freight services perhaps it is a good idea for British Rail and the bus services — as they are today , not as they will be affected by the Bill — to get together .
25 Stephen Stich ( 1983 ) presents a case for a syntactic theory of mind which is more radical than Fodor 's .
26 Despite these facts there may be a case for a short-term course of tablets , or the occasional use of a tablet to help us through a particularly difficult situation and to help build confidence .
27 Anthony Bradley , emeritus professor of constitutional law at Edinburgh University , said there was a case for a double-stage inquiry which first examined the principle or case for change and the second to study how changes could be made with the minimum dislocation or waste of expenditure .
28 If one was not worried about the sovereignty arguments there might be a case for a single currency in Europe .
29 There might even be a case for a standardised calculator to be used in all A , AS and GCSE examinations nationally .
30 There may be a case for downward movement inside the ERM as the French achieved in the mid-1980s , or even a case for a one-off devaluation as the Swedes undertook in 1982 .
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