Example sentences of "a [noun sg] to [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What we need is , firstly , a more specific indication of what is meant by a route to chaos and , secondly , some ideas on which we can draw in Sections 24.5 and 24.7 .
2 If the non-Tory intelligentsia truly wants to do more than tinker in its own backyard , it must look for a route to power that can connect Cambridge with Basildon .
3 He took a bit to work and sliced it
4 With some horses , animation that is not a response to anxiety or fear , becomes a thing of the past ; but with others , especially Arabians , cheerfulness and animation continue as a consistent part of their personality .
5 But we have to understand that sects are a response to modernity that works .
6 The increased metabolism of glutamine by the distal colon in ulcerative colitis seems probably reflects a response to inflammation and consequent hyperplasia and is in keeping with evidence that repsiratory chin enzymes are increased in ulcerative colitis .
7 It 's not just ice hockey players ; there are several teams of figure skaters now left without a rink to practice or compete on .
8 But it is a blow to self-esteem and status that no amount of respect for the processes of democracy can remove .
9 Oh well we 've been walking when we 've gone into town but I mean just between you and me but when I got home Bev said pop into town I 've got a parcel to post and I said well I ca n't I said because according to Des well nothing happened
10 And , as I stooped to get back under cover , I recalled that there would , even from the sanest , be a concession to superstition that would be gone by the morning , a belief that the beginning of the year foreshadowed the character of the rest .
11 After a few more minutes of ribald banter on our part we were startled by a flash to starboard and an explosion as a six-pound shell whizzed across our bows .
12 Some of them have not been found guilty , and albeit they have been charged with horrendous crimes they are still innocent people and it does n't matter even if they are not innocent people , the Government still has a responsibility to life and limb and really I ca n't see any case at all for not storming .
13 Joseph Robinson was aware of what was good for business but he was also a man who prided himself on his love of sport : this meant that he had a responsibility to knowledge and experience .
14 Lansdowne came first because he had been leader in the House of Lords since 1902 ; he was too old to be a rival to Law and he cooperated with him fully , though not without some condescension .
15 My colleagues and I do not believe that the British people will be fooled a second time — one can take a horse to water but one can not make it drink .
16 Unlike other non-operative treatments , a non-functioning gall bladder with a stone impacted in Hartmann 's pouch is not a contraindication to treatment and stones were removed successfully in 15 of 16 patients with a return of cystic duct patency .
17 Send your answers on a card to Health and Fitness , The Northern Echo , Priestgate , Darlington DL1 1NF .
18 — Send your answers on a card to Health and Fitness , The Northern Echo , Priestgate , Darlington , DL1 1NF .
19 Mr Lamont aimed to give a boost to business and recovery this year while sending a clear message to the markets of the measures he — or his successor — will take to claw back borrowing .
20 He was of the opinion that the Masai possessed ‘ a faculty for reasoned intelligence , a pride and a susceptibility to leadership and ideas which made them amenable to sympathetic handling ’ .
21 Yet Labour had not fought the election solely on a negative programme of hostility to Protection but on its socialist programme ; and the electors had given even less of a mandate to socialism than to Protection .
22 American official policy was to promote self-government in south Korea as a prelude to unification but de la Mare observed that the long delay in accomplishing unification made this unlikely .
23 He argues that , given our present state of ignorance regarding the classification of linguistic disorders , descriptive detail is necessary , both as a prelude to intervention and in order to increase our basic understanding of language development .
24 To do this , education has to be seen as a continuing life process linked to social and economic activity at all points and not just as a precursor to employment and a dependent adjunct thereafter .
25 It is a well-documented fact that cancer , for example , is more prevalent in those with a predisposition to depression and a tendency to bottle-up their emotions just to please others .
26 This was specifically endorsed by Lord Pearce in Esso where he explained that what Lord MacNaghten meant was that the adequacy of consideration was a key to oppression and that oppression is a key to reasonableness .
27 There is a connotation to leadership that needs perhaps getting out of the way .
28 As a stimulus to reflection and discussion , this could be used to consider the work of a particular team or the whole school .
29 And Luke goes on to tell us that Jesus drew special attention to those passages from the Old Testament which spoke of his death and resurrection , as a stimulus to repentance and the basis for forgiveness of sins .
30 The matter of paying rent , rates , bills of any sort , or taking a child to dentist or doctor , or when need be , to the school in order to enquire into the progress ( or otherwise ) of his offspring were not part of his world .
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