Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The surroundings , however , are bleak , and interest is confined to the wide expanse of Loch Ewe , an inlet of the sea of considerable extent , commissioned into service during the war as a base to assist in the passage of convoys , when there was a submarine boom across the entrance .
2 There an Investigation Officer will consider the documentation and decide whether the solicitor about whom the complaint has been filed has a case to answer within the powers of the SCB .
3 I erm am obviously feeling guilty cos I 'm not feeling guilty but it makes me cough a bit to go to the post office every week and get vastly more disabl disability er invalidity benefit than he gets , vastly more .
4 I think that may have been construed as impolite , so I smiled and replied that , yes indeed it was still a bit to go before the top , and wow , certainly it was proving mighty tough .
5 We 're walking back from the shops — me and Marie — and we stop for a bit to look at the lights in the electric shop .
6 There 's rows of benches in front of it and I sit down for a bit to look at the tree .
7 For reasons which are not stated the legislature in 1988 made it essential for a successor to live in the dwelling house during the period of six months but did not amend the Act of 1985 so as to impose either a six months ' period or residence in a particular dwelling house in the case of a council house .
8 She skirted its edge and at last spotted a possible entry , finding a stick to whack at the jagged branches of an old dogrose .
9 The outcome was a decision to continue with the same dosage , because what is the use of physical strength without the brain to direct it ?
10 They are given a budget to spend on the drugs they prescribe for their patients .
11 Whether you use a shell to hide from the C : > prompt or as a useful tool , you will probably want to customise it to suit your system and personal preferences .
12 Paris was first and despite a struggle to get off the ground , the company now has three operations bringing in some £200,000 a week .
13 ‘ The crew had quite a struggle to get into the cabin .
14 Far from bringing an end to worry , home ownership became a struggle to stay in the place called home .
15 To go into the ‘ night ’ betokens a willingness to go into the unknown .
16 It indicated a willingness to descend to the political arena in circumstances other than those of national crisis .
17 The general terms , financial data and proposed loan conditions are provided to enable potential lenders to assess and indicate a willingness to participate in the loan proposal .
18 Women writers are less likely to identify with the existential plight of the lone male , but even so , a willingness to conform to the narrative conventions of realism is evident in the fiction of a number of writers who are now viewed as innovative .
19 Such judgements were based upon a willingness to comply to the full with the turning of sports into a ‘ media event ’ .
20 Undertaking an obligation to obey the law is an appropriate means of expressing identification with society , because it is a form of supporting social institutions , because it conveys a willingness to share in the common ways established in that society as expressed by its institutions , and because it expresses confidence in the reasonableness and good judgment of the government through one 's willingness to take it on trust , as it were , that the law is just and that it should be complied with .
21 As a course to steer to the DF station .
22 This bothers the commission 's president , Jacques Delors , who thinks the Community has a part to play in the Middle East .
23 Alliances , mergers and JVs will have a part to play in the route to concentration .
24 And all those toiling thousands had a part to play in the decision to protect the hill .
25 ‘ These are not easy questions to resolve but I think that if it is possible , actually to speak to these characters in such a way that they feel that they are valued and that they do have a part to play in the community , then we are on the way to resolving questions of this sort .
26 Previous patterns of working , sets of beliefs about parents and their willingness and capacity to play a larger part in decisions about their children with special educational needs , professional uncertainty and paternalism all had a part to play in the process .
27 This is problematic for a group which has no longer a part to play in the productive sector .
28 Even doing the housework with Aunt Margaret satisfied her ; she had a part to play in the running of the home .
29 This and other studies revealed that shifts of posture , head movements and changing facial expression all have a part to play in the way a conversation moves from one person to another in a group .
30 It is also building a key contacts list covering those with a part to play in the process .
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