Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In general , however , GIS surely has a function to perform in simulation and role-playing exercises .
2 And t and th then , since the paper talk , that 's right , it 's nothing to do with it , but it may have a bit to do with justice , we 'll get round to it in a bit .
3 The outcome of the discussions is a decision to proceed from phase 2 of the pilot programme into the new system without the need for a third pilot phase .
4 On the death of Sir Harry Erskine in 1765 , the election of a burgess to serve in Parliament for the District composed of the burghs of Anstruther Easter , Anstruther Wester , Pittenweem , Crail and Kilrenny , showed three of these burghs to be in the interest of Mr Alexander , Merchant in Edinburgh , and the other two in the interest of Sir John Anstruther .
5 ‘ In my experience , ’ he says , ‘ women bring to business a set of values , a level of commitment and a willingness to act on intuition which today 's businesses need .
6 Through learning , children acquire not only their parents ' moral code but also a willingness to act in accordance with the rules .
7 In fact , I have little doubt that small groups , displaying a willingness to conform with pub etiquette , would still be served .
8 Acciòn Nacional propounded an ‘ accidentalist ’ attitude towards the Republic , involving a willingness to work within Republican democracy without accepting its permanence ; regimes , accidentalists insisted , should be judged not by their form , monarchical or republican , but by their ‘ content ’ .
9 Perhaps the most dramatic reactions against central state planning and a willingness to experiment with market forces have been seen in China , the USSR , Poland , and Hungary .
10 We may also see a relationship between a willingness to accept the authoritative knowledge of a subject and a willingness to defer to authority in general .
11 Certainly mention of Cailliet and Bédé brings back Eliot to a familiar uniting of primitive and urban as , after stating that ‘ I myself would like an audience which could neither read nor write ’ , he recalls Sweeney Agonistes ( published in book form in December 1932 ) and speaks of the poet as ‘ something of a popular entertainer … having a part to play in society as worthy as that of the music-hall comedian ’ .
12 So it looks as though mate-guarding too has a part to play in sex differences in the breeding season .
13 Another company now convinced that magnetism has a part to play in pond management are Aegean International Trading Company Ltd .
14 The War Wagon itself can sustain 5 wounds as shown on its profile ; this is 2 wounds more than a chariot to take into account its heavier construction .
15 I 'm a 27 year old male on kidney dialysis and am looking for a computer to use at home with the long-term objective of working in computer programming .
16 Next morning Dairyman Crick sent all the dairy people out into a field to search for garlic plants .
17 1824 " This Meeting being impressed with the utility to the Island by the appointment of a Steamboat to ply in place of the Packet , do unanimously Stent themselves in the sum of one Hundred and ten pounds sterling for this current Year … "
18 One of these involves a competition of improvised verse where contestants have needles placed in their mouths to prevent the pronounciation of certain syllables — not a technique to practise at home .
19 Almost everyone has a story to tell about dream incorporation — for instance dreaming about Arctic exploration only to wake up and find that the covers have slipped off and he is freezing cold , or dreaming of bells ringing only to wake up eventually to find that the alarm clock has been clattering for the last few minutes .
20 We have a responsibility to bear in mind where the money paid out in benefits comes from .
21 The plaintiffs contended that they had thereby been deprived of the opportunity to bid for H.F. Co. but pill J. rejected their claim because while the law certainly allowed a freedom to bid for property that was neither a ‘ business asset ’ of the plaintiffs ' nor a legal right which the law would protect .
22 Sources at the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) in Vienna , whose demands to inspect suspected North Korean nuclear facilities prompted the withdrawal from the NPT , said it was unprecedented for a signatory to renege on membership .
23 Drain the beans and place them in a saucepan to cover with water .
24 I feel that it is essential for a horse to go through water .
25 It is essential for a horse to go through water .
26 When Benito Mussolini ( 1883–1945 ) invented fascism in the 1920s ( literally national socialism ) , it was not quite clear whether this was going to be a force to use against Sovietism or a collectivist evil in its own right .
27 Defeat was too great a compliment to pay to society .
28 Obviously you might be better joining a club to participate in sport .
29 They visited a club to listen to music .
30 Individuals returning to practice also face a personal challenge and have their own needs for support and encouragement so that their important transition from a break to return to practice is assisted .
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