Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the work of the French Marxist Louis Althusser , the family , as an ‘ ideological state apparatus ’ , becomes the scene of the operation of ideological processes whereby the reproduction of existing social relations of production is secured , but even this more sophisticated version assumes a functionalist fit between intention and effect .
2 We had a one-and-a-half-hour wait between semi and final .
3 Staff who take such a break remain on contract to Shell .
4 Why was Newley having a second go at divorce ? ’
5 ‘ I must admit , though , that I 've never had a lady go to sleep on me before . ’
6 It is obviously devastating for a parent to watch a child go through misery , but Dorothy Einon points out that children learn how to give and take from such experiences .
7 Poor Ernest must have kicked and jerked , for it rang again , a stuttering tremble of sound , and then was silent .
8 And a bloke come in garage yesterday , he 's just one of them hoovers like yours .
9 Many of those not working will be attending a benefit do for cricketer Derek Pringle at London 's Chiswell Brewery .
10 Alternatively , a 25mm ( 1in ) thick wooden shelf can be fitted inside or outside a window reveal with angle brackets , into which staples or screw-eyes can be fixed along the front edge and returns .
11 One other important aspect of Table 4.6 is the fact that the exemplars of a junction differ in accident estimates .
12 Furthermore , the margin scheme applies only to goods sold by taxable dealers who have acquired them from a private individual or a very small dealer or a body exempt from VAT .
13 Especially in the early 1930s , notwithstanding the pay-cuts , police officers in the city had a job secure from redundancy — which was more than you could say for most of those they policed .
14 Shaun May had already brought a diving save from 'keeper Jukes with a hard ground shot and the midfielder was also involved with the goal .
15 With a security alert in operation at the GCHQ national security establishment , a suspected mole is mysteriously killed and linguist Bob Jones confides his misgivings about the intelligence business to his father Frank .
16 The problems in constructing such a device seem at present insurmountable , but who can predict the future ?
17 A pushover try by scrum-half Chris Tynan and another by Gray put the result beyond doubt with Rees kicking a conversion and a second penalty for a 22–0 lead before Gale hit back with a drop-goal and a penalty providing the USA with reward for pressure .
18 For example , the branches of a tree diminish in section according to their loading .
19 Anal pressure was measured by a station pull through technique as described previously .
20 What would such a policy do for unemployment ?
21 Crusaders had nothing of note to show in the first half apart from a drive lofted over the bar by Stephen Lynch from Burrows ' free kick in the second minute and a double save by Distillery keeper Steve Collins from Steven Livingstone in the 31st minute .
22 " It 's not like other sports , in that you ca n't watch a tournament unfold in front of you .
23 When much of the country was maintained as a game preserve for shooting , all predators , including Polecats , were thought of as competition and ruthlessly trapped by game keepers .
24 Prize Draw Winner of a prize draw for charity , Lorraine McDowell is presented with a ‘ Barnaby Bear ’ by the representative for Barnardos Homes .
25 The four dissenting judges thought the ritual nature of the three-stroke ‘ slippering ’ was degrading , with a three-day wait between sentence and punishment and without adequate consent of the mother .
26 Prices range from 78p for a cabinet knob with pewter-look finish to £101.92 for a door pull with brass finish .
27 Showing they do not mean to let anyone sleep on the job in creating better relations , pupils of Brackenhoe School , Middlesbrough , organised a bed push for South Cleveland Hospital 's baby monitor appeal .
28 In the villages the amounts given as a dowry vary from area to area and community to community , but within any community they depend on the status of the bridegroom and his family .
29 She knelt on the floor of the bedroom , a suitcase open in front of her , ramming in jerseys , shoes , underwear .
30 You see , there are ladies … or women who smoke , but their choice is usually Woodbines ; a few ask for Gold Flake , but quite a number ask for shag for their pipes . ’
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