Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I am , as the magazine parlance has it , stealing in to snatch a route from under the noses of local activists .
2 The Oldham-based firm , which manufactures a wide range of healthcare products , from swabs to saline solution and a variety of over the counter medicines and treatments , recently spent more than £1m on extending its Bootle pharmaceutical manufacturing facility , which trades under the name Seton Prebbles .
3 Yeah , well he does get a bit of over the top
4 A bit like with the keyboards is n't it two keyboards for a birthday present .
5 It 's a bit like at the swimming baths when you open your eyes under water .
6 Lee picked up a stick from by the broken wire fence and poked the feathers of one of the dead hens , then the bloody bit by the neck .
7 there was a kind of to the whole thing , can you remember it ?
8 He does n't take a sample but examines the water gushing through a drain from under the road , just where we 've entered the river culvert .
9 One teacher organised a sorting game by asking each child in the group to choose and bring a toy from around the room ; there was a farm lorry , a helicopter , a golliwog , a breakdown lorry , a helmet and a domino brick .
10 Now that seems to us to be a very good way forward in establishing a framework for for the consideration of those sort of proposals .
11 David Coverdale and Jimmy Page are a pair Belfast fans have wanted to take a look at in the flesh for a while .
12 There was a rival from across the Atlantic too .
13 In terms of yes we do show er , er , a figure of in the current year of seven hundred and seventy five basics which is an odd sort of figure on the , the monitoring report .
14 Well the quickest way of doing is that those officers who are remaining in office erm could be voted back into office and then we can have a vote on on the others those that are unopposed as it were .
15 If Piggy had not told Ralph his nickname in the beginning he would not have been made a ridicule of before the vote .
16 A partnership between Save The Children , social and youth services it helps youngsters help themselves by turning moans into action .
17 It seems that we now have serial correlation in our model as a result of including the dummy right , now we 've got to test statistic , I mean always look at the F version of the test , right , er our F statistic of three point seven six is significantly different from zero , right , that leaves seven percent level , so a five percent test we probably accept that we did n't have any serial correlations and we just got there by the skin of our teeth on that particular test erm yes , you could probably get away with this one , functional forms fine , no problem there , hetero skilasticity right , are F statistic three point nine but significantly different from zero that 's six percent level , right , so again we just scrape it if we were looking at the ninety five percent confidence it wants to be five percent if you are using as five percent significance level .
18 Oh I see so this was a burial off off the the boat .
19 A wind from between the stars
20 now would Paragon garage not have a car in in the middle of the week ?
21 The small study of children developing reading reported by Kyle ( 1981b ) confirms the general view , but shows up the gap between vocabulary development , where progress is made throughout schooling , and sentence comprehension , where deaf children frequently reach a plateau at about the 8-year-old level .
22 Yet measurements on a core at about the same stratigraphic level in Newmill-1 averaged 16% and 212 mD , with values as high as 1 darcy .
23 You 'll sometimes find that , there 's a distinction made between the s and the , and the f , because the s does n't have either , either has a tail on it , or does n't have as big a bar across as the f one .
24 ‘ Miss , it 's a bloke from down the street , ’ called Linda , determined not to leave the living-room while the fly Archie Cousins was still there .
25 that they , we 're in a slump like to the thirties
26 I am a Welshman from under the Berwyns , and distant kin to the Tudors of Anglesey . ’
27 There was a laugh from within the TARDIS , and a scrabbling noise .
28 There is a boy of about the same age in Kanal , Andrzej Wajda 's epic film of the Warsaw uprising .
29 Fullarton et al noted a fall of about the same degree , one month after eradicating H pylori from eight patients with inactive duodenal ulcer disease , but again the change was not statistically significant .
30 I mean every year we have a campaign from about the middle of January to the end of February where we promote British holidays through our shop windows , and in fact I was just totting up our advertising spend in the last four or five weeks and I would say we have spent almost a hundred thousand pounds on partner advertising for Lunn Poly — book your holiday at Lunn Poly for U K holidays .
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