Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A BRUTE punished his four-year-old step-daughter by spinning her in a tumble-drier , a court heard yesterday .
2 He carried a stick to aid his ailing right leg which had been broken deliberately by the STB while he was in prison .
3 On the insistence of Khalil Ullah Khan , one of Aurangzeb 's agents in the Imperial army , Dara made a decision to leave his strong defensive position and open the attack .
4 Stranded … a driver pushes his marooned car in Llandudno today .
5 He suddenly realised that the French really did believe that he was here on a secret and delicate diplomatic mission on Edward I 's behalf , that his interest in Alexander III 's death was mere drapery , a trick to conceal his true task .
6 In the United States the President often has to work hard to create a majority to support his proposed legislation in its passage through Congress .
7 Local interest in the 250 race was lost when Antrim rider Alan Patterson , a favourite to repeat his first round win , crashed out on lap 11 .
8 Local interest in the 250 race was lost when Antrim rider Alan Patterson , a favourite to repeat his first round win , crashed out on lap 11 .
9 Through the French windows and across the lawn wafts the sound of choral evensong from a cathedral silhouetted against an autumn sky scattered with starlings who are startled into flight by the passage of a ploughman plodding his weary way homeward .
10 Ipswich team manager Mick McGiven has successfully created a side to match his own personality — dull .
11 as if that had anything to do with the ability of a poet to read his own poems !
12 Napoleon then climbed a pyramid to tell his triumphant forces that " From these monuments forty centuries look down upon you " .
13 Were , I wonder , those same cries heard in the West Country back in 1969 when a 13-year-old made his Minor Counties debut for Somerset IIs ?
14 He had given up writing poetry and had been living the duplicitous life of a critic deciphering his own works , but when he fell in love with Howard 's wife Elizabeth his former self was reawakened and he ceased to believe in his own existence .
15 It measures the number of years taken for a shareholder to recover his initial investment ( assuming that all earnings are distributed ) ; alternatively , it measures the price an investor has to pay to buy 1 worth of income in the company .
16 Amid claims and counter-claims , friends of Michael Knighton , the aspiring Manchester United chairman , report he is close to arranging a deal to salvage his attempted take-over .
17 There is no point in a defendant blaming his defective brakes if he was going so fast that nothing could have stopped him , or in blaming a puncture if he was driving on a tyre that was worn down to the canvas .
18 I , too , could have sat there like a fan watching an actress , like a lover watching his beloved , content not to be thinking about Mum and what we could do about her .
19 Early one morning , Miller noticed a car following his own Mercedes .
20 AXED Terry Wogan is on the hunt for guests with ‘ wacky , tacky ’ stories to tell in a bid to shed his bland image , it was revealed yesterday .
21 Premier John Major broke off his holiday in Spain last night and recalled Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd from Italy for a meeting in a bid to save his Yugoslavian peace initiative .
22 Meanwhile John Major broke off his holiday in Spain last night to fly home in a bid to save his Yugoslavian peace initiative .
23 DRAG racing star Ian Merryweather has launched a quest to raise funds in a bid to defend his European crown .
24 RICHARD HANNON is eyeing the gold in a bid to clinch his first ever trainer 's title .
25 Was this the shade of a railwayman visiting his former workplace ?
26 Charity fundraiser Robbie Robertson has been awarded a trophy to mark his record-breaking marathon wheelchair journey from John O'Groats to Land 's End .
27 Arriving back , as he did from his holidays , to discover that his honourable companions had n't given him a second to call his own , he took umbrage ( somewhere near Troy )
28 But you have to titrate your desires with allowing a child to make his own friendships . ’
29 A COWBOY who spent the last six years of his life in a wheelchair got his dying wish , to be buried standing up with his boots on .
30 Happily I had been at school with this fellow and was able to contact him on my next leave , and to persuade him that it would be a pity to spoil his good name by killing me .
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