Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
2 Environmental groups criticized a decision made at an ITTC meeting in Yokohama , Japan , in November 1990 to approve the continued logging of important forests in Malaysia and the Amazon basin [ for November 1989 meeting see p. 37054 ] .
3 A decision taken at an emergency session of the Arab League Council , meeting in the Egyptian capital , Cairo , on Sept. 10 , to transfer the bulk of organization 's departments and affiliated apparatus from Tunis to Cairo by Oct. 31 , provoked a sharp reaction from some members countries not in attendance .
4 Fire fighters from Stockton put out a fire in a potting shed at a house in Bishopton Road , Stockton .
5 Then , for a trajectory starting at a point on the side of B , providing and z are small ( within D or D " , say ) , we can write for the point at which this trajectory next strikes the top face of B. Here a and b are constants ( which may depend on r ) and A is a 2 X 2 matrix .
6 IN most respects a purchase made at an auction constitutes an ordinary contract for the sale of goods .
7 Suppose that a contract to sell at a given price for a specified period is , for whatever reason , advantageous to both buyers and sellers .
8 A third alternative , proposed by Demsetz ( 1968 ) , is for the rights to supply to be auctioned off to bidders whose bids would be in the form of a contract to supply at a given price ( rather like bids for the construction of a motorway ) .
9 Getting into a shirt comes at a later stage , a sweater later still .
10 Hilaire Belloc would not I think have liked his eponymous monastery ; it is modern and spruce , with sacred literature in showcases and a monk sitting at a reception desk .
11 Dora jerked her head like a horse shying at a pheasant .
12 I have a streak of economy in me , even when contemplating how to épater les bourgeois , and recipes that make their sauce out of a stock made at an earlier stage tend to appeal most .
13 Torpedo-shaped glass lifts offered noiseless access to the different levels , on one of which a pianist sat at a grand piano playing classical music while an enormous golden pendulum suspended from the roof swung slowly from one side of the atrium to the other .
14 Suddenly , a light appeared at a window and a terrified face peered out .
15 The ILP leadership , feeling it had a mandate from the Easter Conference , made preparations for a Special Conference at which it would make : a recommendation for disaffiliation , and for the re-organisation of the ILP as an independent Socialist Party with a programme aiming at a decisive change from Capitalism to Socialism .
16 Do remember to rub out your dots if a remedy works at a later date and only mark your bottle when the remedy has no effect if you are very certain that it should have worked .
17 On the Saturday evening they attended a screenplay reading at a bookshop on Camdem High Street .
18 Down a little tunnel at the Mesdag museum , up a flight of stairs , and you are standing atop a dune looking at an enormous 360-degree panorama painted in 1881 .
19 It is interesting to note that a quiet bedroom is about 35 on the scale , at 55 communication starts to become difficult , a car travelling at a steady 60 k.p.h. at seven metres distance is just over 70 , a heavy diesel lorry at 40 k.p.h. at seven metres is 85 , a pneumatic drill at seven metres is 95 and 120 is the threshold of pain .
20 He had only a second to stare at a page before setting off various alarm spells , but that was time enough for one spell to leap from it and settle in his memory like a toad in a stone .
21 The church had a narthex set at an oblique angle to one of the outer octagon sides ; it is believed that this was not the original narthex , which would have directly faced the eastern apse ( 195 ) .
22 The reporting restrictions which forbid the identification of a child appearing at a youth court would also apply in Crown court , unless they were lifted .
23 Based on the shape of this receptive field , they then search for the stimulus that gives the best response from it , and in Figure 7 you see that one particular cell responded best to movement of a bar oriented at a particular angle , and also that it only responded when this bar moved in one direction .
24 It was like a goalie guessing at a penalty .
25 A glider pilot has suffered a broken leg in a crash landing at an R-A-F base .
26 Stretched out on a bed was Chuck Riley , with a girl dabbing at a nasty bruise on his forehead .
27 As he passed through a small piazza there was a shout and a boy appeared at a window holding a bulging plastic shopping bag which he let drop to a friend in the street who stood , arms raised to catch it .
28 A test performed at a reputable clinic — and found to be positive — is checked by doing further test on the same sample using different methods to detect HIV antibodies .
29 He was staring at it the way a cat looks at a dinner-plate .
30 He smiled at her like a cat smiling at a mouse .
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