Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A skater comes to this blue pond ,
2 Any such deep body of liquid is likely to rise to a level corresponding to isostatic equilibrium , and there would be none of the observed mascons .
3 Jimmy Marshall returned in the 60s to lead Bullroar , a rising left to right traverse offering quality climbing and tremendous exposure .
4 The pilot studies on management budgeting which tried to make clinicians accountable for a budget related to agreed workload targets demonstrated the difficulties of getting clinical cooperation on a voluntary basis and the massive efforts of persuasion and education needed for success ( Harrison et al.
5 A driver used to more power and rubber might expect to find himself in trouble if he attempted to maintain his normal pace with the cheapest Fiesta , but such is the confident poise of the car that it offers handling and grip of a far higher order than the tuned-for-economy engine can justify .
6 To occasion change , then , requires a willingness to respond to changed perceptions , and changed circumstances .
7 The government on Aug. 13 made " individual " offers of amnesty and pardon to active guerrillas who had committed political crimes prior to the promulgation of the new constitution on July 5 , if they surrendered and showed a willingness to return to civilian life .
8 A course adapted to individual needs enabling students with Honours degrees in suitable biological subjects to enter the field of genetics .
9 Books which present a fair account of corruption have a defence denied to glossy propaganda .
10 The award , commissioned by NARF , was designed to portray a floorcovering sample , arranged as a stairway leading to higher achievements .
11 A favourite device of Borges , for example , is to toy with the reader by sprinkling his fictions with references to real people and places , a technique used to good effect in ‘ Tlön , Uqbar , Orbis Tertius ’ , whose realistic trappings lend credibility to the story of a non-existent world which is the reverse of our own , while the fictional world in its turn calls into question the reality of the one in which we live .
12 A Chairman shall be appointed for each meeting , at the close of which he shall name the Chairman for the one following , and the Member so named shall act in that capacity , unless the Meeting by a majority agree to some other .
13 Candidates passing the Shorthand examination and submitting a well-typed transcription will be awarded a certificate endorsed to this effect .
14 Candidates passing the Shorthand examination and submitting a well-typed transcription will be awarded a certificate endorsed to this effect .
15 Candidates passing the shorthand examination and submitting a well-typed transcription will be awarded a certificate endorsed to this effect .
16 Mandler and Johnson ( 1977 ) maintain that such a linear sequence ( i.e. ‘ he did this , then he went there , then this happened ’ etc. ) is an ideal structure and the more a story conforms to this the better will be the recall .
17 And moreover do n't you feel you have a responsibility to explain to ordinary people , particularly in your area , what it is you 're doing and why it 's important and why you should go on doing it ? ’
18 Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that if the killing is to be stopped and a just and peaceful solution is to be found , all politicians , whatever their views , have a responsibility to speak to each other ?
19 Then the distribution of the number r ab of clones which hybridise to both probes conditional on n ab clones hybridising to either probe is binomial B ( n ab , 1- d ab ) , since the clones are independent and the probability that a clone hybridises to both probes given that it hybridises to one is 1- d ab .
20 One can perhaps understand why John Keats , ’ writing his first mature work of poetry , managed to confuse Balboa with Cortez ; a young and sensitive man , Keats may well have balked at including a figure capable of such wanton cruelty in a sonnet devoted to such tender sentiments .
21 For example , the Church of Scientology has fought in the courts of Australia to be defined as a religion in order to be able to claim tax-exemption , while The Science of Creative Intelligence ( Transcendental Meditation ) has fought in the courts of the United States to be not given religious status so that it can be taught in the public ( State ) schools — a practice denied to religious organisations by the First Amendment of the United States ' Constitution .
22 Never a department to succumb to philosophical fashions , it continues to represent a wide variety of philosophical positions and approaches .
23 The Dutch , like England at Wembley last month , struggled at times to break through against a side reduced to ten men for the last half-hour after William Guerra was sent off .
24 His cot pulses gently too with a rhythm matched to that of his mother 's average pulse rate during pregnancy .
25 A green satin ribbon , water-stained and earth-stained , held these fragments together ; there was a card tied to this , on which was palely visible in typewriting
26 The dun 's handler plucked a tail feather and held the down at the quill-end against a neck wound to staunch the blood .
27 Ray Brabrooke of High Rise Fishkeeping fame ( the man with a 54 tank fishhouse five storeys up in a tower block ) has now formed a club dedicated to those who love to grow aquatic plants .
28 The property of a partnership belongs to all the partners in common , since the partnership itself has no legal personality .
29 Family health services authorities therefore have no effective managerial influence over general practitioners , resulting in a bureaucratic relationship concerned with regulation rather than a partnership devoted to improving patient care .
30 The bulla was a seal attached to Papal documents issued from the Vatican .
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