Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 They come from all parts of the country , although it 's true that a function organised by one particular branch will tend to attract mainly members from that area .
2 A warder stood at one end of the infirmary , standing by a thick metal door .
3 To render the applicability of natural justice dependent upon a prior classification of the above type would have its utility in greater certainty and predictability : if a case fell within one category certain results would follow ; if it fell in a different category differing results would ensue .
4 Then came Yet , with a case balanced on one shoulder .
5 The out-of-court settlement follows an industrial tribunal ruling in 1988 that the bank was guilty of discrimination in a case brought by one of the women , Stella James .
6 It 's quite a bit to do on one day , to go and do four .
7 Where the original text exploits typographical variety , a text reproduced in one type-face may lack some of the quality of the original .
8 To the man who had solved that problem , a statue stood in one of the main squares .
9 A drug acting on one set of synapses can have secondary and tertiary effects all over the place .
10 A contract settled by one of these processes is thereby fully discharged .
11 From the first Protestant Archbishop Thomas Cranmer under King Henry VIII , all the Protestant Archbishops were educated at Oxford or Cambridge and a majority taught at one of those universities .
12 In poetry , a foot consisting of one long syllable followed by two short .
13 Leonora thrust out a foot clad in one of the new rubber-soled shoes he 'd bought her .
14 A correspondent knows of one witness to the February 1992 sighting in Mrs Topliff 's house , and this person stated that it was merely a large domestic cat .
15 the income consists of annual payments made under a partnership agreement to or for the benefit of a former partner , or the widow or dependants of a deceased former partner , of the partnership , being payments made under a liability incurred for full consideration ; 2. the income is payable in connection with the acquisition of a partnership ; 3. the income arises under a settlement made by one party to a marriage by way of provision for the other after the dissolution or annulment of the marriage , or while they are separated under an Order of the Court or under a separation agreement or in such circumstances that the separation is likely to be permanent , being income payable to or applicable for the benefit of the other party ; 4. the income is from property of which the settlor has divested himself absolutely by the settlement ; 5. the income is income which under other provisions of the tax legislation is treated for the purposes of the Taxes Acts as that of the settlor .
16 The new Directory holds everything from users and their privileges to file servers and printers as objects within a distributed database — the result is that a user logging onto one server gets immediate access to resources , irrespective of location on the internet .
17 Four people were playing bridge on a blanket spread over one end of the table .
18 Not only that , but once it was established that their corporal had an interest in me , every movement I made , almost every breath I drew , was reported back to him , including a very innocent ride I had one evening round the perimeter track in a jeep driven by one of the Flying Control Officers .
19 The Intelligence Corps instructor who had taught him the trade would have had such a lock open with one twist but Maxim was out of practice and the lock was old and arthritic .
20 As he spoke , a figure came from one of the stables leading a horse .
21 It was held by the House of Lords that the defendants were not negligent as they had conformed to a practice approved by one responsible body of medical opinion .
22 He pulled up in front of the high iron grille gates barring the entrance to a drive , saw in his headlights a speakphone set into one of the brick pillars .
23 If you ask in general , why social science has been in so selective in its use of Freud , and so one-sided in its interpretation , the answer seems to be , that since the nineteen twenties and up until very recently , Western social science has been primarily dominated by what I would call , cultural determinism , and by that I mean , a school of thought which believes that , to use a term borrowed from one of its founding fathers , Emile Durkheim , social facts have social causes .
24 On Saturday with a gale blowing from one end of the pitch to the other , it was always going to be a battle between two sets of players who are never content just to hold the jacket when the going gets tough .
25 The England skipper has taken over a club founded by one of his predecessors , Nigel Melville .
26 Was that a light burning in one of the windows of the second floor ?
27 With a startled squawk a rook flew from one tree to another where it perched complaining loudly .
28 Although we must recognize the limits of a study focusing on one city , the results are , perhaps , startling , and of considerable interest .
29 ‘ Altogether , Mravinsky had many serious and wonderful qualities , and his example as a musician committed to one orchestra , one hall and one city was so important .
30 ‘ There was a scholarship going at one of the drama schools , you see , and I entered it on impulse .
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