Example sentences of "a [adj] [coord] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) decision R v Sanyo Electrical Manufacturing ( UK ) Ltd , is a case which is of interest in its own right , its real significance is that it is yet more evidence of an increasing awareness by the courts of the crucial role they have to play in securing a healthier and safer working environment by ensuring that infractions of health and safety , and related legislation , are properly penalised .
2 He failed to obtain a Card at Montpelier last year finishing 66th , but his outstanding amateur record has earned him a dozen or so sponsor 's invites .
3 After a dozen or so phone calls , we finally discovered that TSL had secured coverage on Sportschannel America , a national cable sports network which reaches approximately nine million households .
4 Material from a smallpox pustule is introduced into the body of the person to be protected , by a light scratch , The patient should then receive a light dose of smallpox , with only a dozen or so pox , and lifetime active immunity .
5 Think instead about Quinta Paraiso da Mia , on the big sandy Luz Bay , just outside Lagos : a dozen or so apartment buildings linked by pathways in a shady garden , a minute 's walk from the beach .
6 To the right of the lodge were a dozen or so stone steps leading to a half-moon beach .
7 So I live with a constant and uncomely reminder of folly and failure , and no doubt it does me good .
8 Many bureaux rely upon local solicitors to give free advice sessions at the CAB on a monthly or bi-monthly basis .
9 At the finishing cropper where carpets are given their final sheer to achieve a smooth and even surface , £25,000 is being invested on an automatic height adjuster .
10 You must swing normally , with a smooth and even tempo , ensuring you complete both the backswing and make a well-balanced follow-through .
11 Thankfully there 's always Dave Hemingway 's grin , Brian Corrigan 's Grogan-esque voice and Heaton 's foppish dancing to cheer us up and turn it into a gorgeous and lurvely night .
12 Ideally , I would have liked to have baited on a little and often basis , say a couple of dozen lobworms and one mashed loaf every day .
13 A more promising approach seemed to be the invention of a new and universal language and writing system , and Slaughter gives a fascinating and commendably deadpan account of the attempts of ‘ language projectors ’ to achieve this objective .
14 Always lay the rug on a flat and even surface , and after smoothing it out , carefully view it from all sides to see if there are any ridges or troughs .
15 For the majority however , there is a bewildering and highly application or culture-specific variety of high level units into which they may be divided .
16 Previous issues from November 1990 to the last edition show that the major features have been on Gabby and Steffi , Zvereva and Martina and Monica , Capriati and Monica , Anke , Jana Novotna and Arantxa respectively , evidence of a fair and even representation of all women players by Tennis World .
17 Thomas Henderson Docherty was born and raised a catholic and undoubtedly Catholicism contributed to his downfall .
18 Some of the attempts at peacemaking the churches in Ireland are making may seem worrying may seem politically subversive but how will we respond to the longing for peace to the desire for reconciliation for the hope the stakes that will result in a permanent and just solution ?
19 Close scrutiny of this second kind of heavily cratered terrain reveals that the subsaturation level of cratering is not the result of the partial obliteration of a once saturated surface , but the partial reworking of an old and largely crater free surface .
20 One advantage of that approach would be to direct attention to the particular source of danger , thus labelling the offence in a way which both describes the circumstances of the offence and serves an educative or even deterrent purpose .
21 We have no hidden gifts and no hidden donations to the Labour Party we have an open and upfront relationship with them and we intend to carry that through .
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