Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun pl] [noun] was " in BNC.

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1 For instance , a unified acrylics business was created from two that were previously in Mond Division and two in Petrochemicals & Plastics .
2 A rear-facing gunners position was installed into the aft cockpit under a redesigned canopy .
3 ‘ And here I was , thinking that a few hours leave was on the cards . ’
4 But within a few hours Mal was suffering exhaustion and Bill had injured himself falling on diamond-hard green ice on the Lhotse Face .
5 Within a few hours Denwood was stripped of everything , there was not a soul or a vestige of its recent occupation to be seen in the place .
6 Within a few minutes Elisa was on the settee in the sitting room where , at last , she regained consciousness .
7 Within a few days Caledonia was in complete agreement : the entire team should take up golf .
8 One of the wonder boys we sold a few years back was Ian Snodin , to Everton .
9 Contact with the man Wagner now kindled an interest in Wagner the theorist and within a few weeks Nietzsche was writing again to Rohde to impress on his friend his high opinion of Wagner 's Opera and Drama , a treatise written nearly twenty years before , but apparently now providing Nietzsche 's first direct acquaintance with any of Wagner 's theoretical works .
10 Within a few weeks Richard was loading Marshal with honours , lands and responsibility and an incident such as this , combining skill at arms with sound political common sense , could well have impressed him .
11 For a few months Hervey was one of those in day-to-day control of the royal administration .
12 After a couple of hours , during which some sticks and other items were thrown at the police and insults were shouted , a mounted police line was drawn up behind the police cordon and a row of police vans .
13 Even more puzzling is why , throughout the five and a half years Blake was in Wormwood Scrubs , no action was taken to move him to a more secure establishment .
14 In the late 1980s a direct communications link was established between the SES and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation to enable Singapore investors to diversify their portfolios to include both US and European stocks .
15 Graham Gauld , a public relations man was asked by a friend at SDA if he could help .
16 In October a public utilities commission was established to provide a legal framework for a programme of privatization , and to oversee the services provided by state enterprises targeted for sale to the private sector .
17 3.24 A case in which aggravated damages were awarded in a personal injuries claim was Westwood v Hardy ( 1964 ) The Times , 24 June .
18 A test for heterogeneity ( non-random differences ) of standardised treatment difference between the studies , with a χ 2 statistic , showed no significant heterogeneity ( Q =23.58 , df=19 ; p=0.213 ) , so a fixed effects method was used to estimate the pooled difference in efficacy .
19 It was not until the Trunk Roads Act , 1936 that anything like a national roads strategy was suggested , with a rational division of roads into four : Trunk , Class I , Class II and unclassified — and even then Britain declined to embark on motorway building , in sharp contrast to Germany 's autobahns and Italy 's autostrada .
20 Possibly it has its origins in the ‘ white noise ’ techniques which the Brits , ever the innovators , pioneered in Northern Ireland in the 1970s ( it has always seemed unjust that what was deplored then as a human rights abuse was later marketed under the brand name of acid house ) .
21 In January 1990 a Human Rights League was set up , basing itself on the League for Human Rights established in 1922 and banned by the Nazis in 1933 .
22 The Bandung communiqué had stressed the urgency of an early solution , and strong Afro — Asian support was expressed for the Indonesian case at the UN though eventually the familiar device of a Good Offices Commission was accepted .
23 Cool classical porticoes appeared at Dover , Delaware , and Lexington , Kentucky , early this century and a scaled-down Beaux-Arts style was used at Worcester , Massachusetts , Tacoma , Washington ( 1910 ) , Montclair , New Jersey ( 1913 ) , and Broad Street , Richmond , Virginia ( 1917–19 ) .
24 A GAY rights activist was back behind bars last night after three judges rejected his appeal against conviction for a sex attack on a teenage boy .
25 Somewhere in the formless murk , a lone blues trumpet was improvising around ‘ Love for Sale ’ .
26 A United Nations diplomat was ordered to forfeit a £10,000 security at the Old Bailey yesterday after his son , Petrus Alberts , 23 , failed to appear on arson charges .
27 It was planned to establish this common market in transitional stages over 12 years : actually this process was speeded up and a full customs union was achieved , triumphantly , on 1 July 1968 .
28 A DRUNKEN driver who hit speeds of 100mph during a 35-mile police chase was yesterday jailed for five months .
29 Even the modest Benelux union was greeted with scepticism by Belgian civil servants and a single customs system was not established by its three members until January 1948 .
30 In 1909 a Seditious Offences Bill was introduced in that country to punish publications which were designed to ‘ inflame an excitable and ignorant populace ’ .
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