Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 5.25(3) makes special provision for an application by a non-natural person to change the name of the employee named in the licence as responsible for the day-to-day running of the premises .
2 Once again the Democratic party may have thrown away a historic opportunity to retake the White House .
3 Walking : A pleasant way to explore the region is to improvise on the charming mini-network of mountain lifts .
4 For many of those who do take the text seriously however , Christian teaching on the subject of wealth is summed up either by one of the easily remembered phrases from the Gospels such as ‘ Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ’ ( Luke 18:22 ) or ‘ You can not serve God and Mammon ’ ( Luke 16:13 ) or that ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 18:25 ) or by the way in which the members of the Jerusalem Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostles shared their wealth according to the principle ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ’ .
5 And he followed it up by that shrewd observation ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God ’ ( Mark 10:25 ) .
6 That victory followed on from success in the Dewhurst International in March , where she came through from being a reserve qualifier to reach the semi-finals .
7 There must be asserted , in some form or other by the Government , a reserve power to give the necessary control and organising authority , and to make sure that everyone , of every rank and condition , men and women , shall do their fair share .
8 If you have a fish house which is space-heated it is a good idea to ask a friendly neighbour to check the heating every day to make sure it is working properly .
9 If you want to have a snapshot of yourself , see if you can find a friendly policeman to perform the task .
10 We chose to express a similar region of 140k as a non-fusion polypeptide to eliminate the possible influence of a large stretch of non-homologous E.coli coding region on the properties of the fusion protein .
11 Many times I 'm called up by a local doctor and asked to do what is called a DV — a domiciliary visit to assess the mental state of an individual .
12 There is a prevailing tendency to discuss the theory of the double tax charge without quantifying it .
13 On Sept. 2 the government announced a three-stage programme to remove the vestiges of communist control and integrate Estonia politically and economically with the rest of Europe .
14 In general , the baby 's wishes had tended in the past to be suspect , and the mother had been expected to look for some non-permissible motive behind them , in the form either of dangerous ( probably erotic ) impulses or of a rebellious determination to dominate the mother-in either case , constant control of the child was called for , and only the baby who had submitted himself completely to the mother 's control could be called a good baby .
15 Work the mixture into the cracks using the edge of a builder 's trowel , brushing away the surplus , and choosing a dry day to do the work , so that the surface of the slabs is not smeared with cement .
16 THE King 's Cross international railway terminal and property development was in the balance last night after MPs on the committee examining a private bill to approve the scheme decided to suspend a decision until December 5 .
17 With very few exceptions , judges are required to be selected from amongst practising barristers and it is difficult for anyone without a private income to survive the first years of practice .
18 The only difference would be that the government would pay a private firm to provide the data in the first place .
19 In 1986 it entered into an agreement with a private firm to operate the gardens , despite clear warnings from a number of sources about the viability of the company concerned .
20 ‘ There may be an opportunity for a private member to introduce the bill , ’ a DTI spokeswoman said yesterday .
21 Now they 're being allowed to keep their jobs for 2 more months , while the Council tries to find a private company to run the workshop on its behalf .
22 On the other hand , it can be validly argued that it would be asking too much from a private entity to provide the same public notice that public registries have provided .
23 Receiving a copy of the AGM Minutes from the Branch prompts Air Mail to give a little space to describe the activities and efforts being made by the Branch Committee , a committee which has been virtually unchanged since the Branch was re-activated six years ago .
24 At this point we think it worth using a little space to examine the concept of accountability .
25 I have taken a little time to sketch the history of paragraph 16.5 of Code C in order to show that it is not directly linked to the ancient and deep-rooted privilege against self-incrimination .
26 It took a little time to find the girl who had been moved and was not in the room that the Sub-lieutenant had told him how to find .
27 It is worth spending a little time to ponder the significance of this .
28 before you rush off to the local retailer , cash in hand , take a little time to consider the type of runner you are and what you really need .
29 It 's easy to get set yourself and with heated curlers , tongs and styling products better than ever before , all you need is a little practice to create the perfect style .
30 Paul Corrigan suggests that teenagers behave the way they do at the seaside , or at football matches , because they are looking for a memorable experience to balance the boredom of the rest of their lives .
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