Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 After a full day of sightseeing , it made it a pleasant change not to see the ground .
2 The evening was an enjoyable affair and it made a pleasant change not to have to leave Sally behind .
3 Is a two-child average here to stay ?
4 MR GRAEME Souness , the 38-year-old manager of Liverpool football club , was admitted to a private hospital yesterday to undergo major open heart surgery .
5 This perhaps supports the criticism that the Queen 's advisers should not have allowed her to be urged into an immediate invitation to Lord Home and that she should have taken at least a little time fully to apprise herself of the changing political situation and of the views of the Conservative leadership , as it was then emerging .
6 One interesting reaction was that in stating , for example , that science should be taught to all pupils in some form or other in the last two years of schooling for 10–20 per cent of the time ( in addition to a broad course up to age 13 years ) , the DES was implicitly committing itself to increased resources , in terms of teachers and facilities .
7 ‘ I had become a strong swimmer mainly to conquer fear . ’
8 We 're seeing the end of a long period of Cold War which effectively the West have won because they have kept their defences up , er and I think as Tom King , he was out here last week , has said we need to keep a strong force here to make sure that the Soviets keep their side of the bargain and er start a withdrawal at some stage .
9 SYRIA expressed a strong desire yesterday to resume Middle East peace negotiations as soon as possible and the United States said it would play a more active role in the talks than in the past .
10 Graham was standing by his window , staring out over the roof of the Comet Building across the street , and when Mike saw who was sitting at Graham 's desk , he had to make a strong effort not to show his surprise .
11 Alternatively , any firm which has made a definite decision not to seek authorisation must ensure that it understands what constitutes investment business and , having established that it can refer clients to suitable authorised independent advisers , avoid further involvement like the plague .
12 ‘ There 's a definite effort not to make it another ‘ Greatest Hits ’ yawn .
13 The reason I asked for a preserved pension obviously to see whether there was any preserved benefits .
14 Moreover , the Conservatives won the election of 1979 with a specific commitment not to manage the economy on the basis of short-run considerations alone , and they won again in 1983 without creating a mini boom and with over 3 million unemployed which surely confounds a thesis which suggests that economic good times are the major route to electoral success .
15 For the third time this greatest of Scottish Protestant heroes , whose name has lived for four centuries as the architect of Scottish religious life ( not to say the strict bleakness of that life ) , whose statue in Edinburgh gazed balefully down on the meeting between pope and moderator of the General Assembly of the Kirk in 1982 , and whose inordinately lofty statue in the Glasgow Necropolis lours at patients in the upper stories of the Royal Infirmary , made a strenuous effort not to return to his native country at all .
16 But I feel that the weak point in the imagery is in the use of ‘ pathetic fallacy and this is clearly shown when Pip is about to meet his benefactor and there is a raging storm outside to show change
17 They remarked on the personal service , from the same senior consultant whom they had first met , comparing them with a larger firm who had acted in a heavy-handed way towards them and who had subsequently sent a junior consultant actually to handle the work , after they had dealt with the most senior partner at the beginning .
18 It is also wiser that the elderly person should grow used to receiving care from several different people before it becomes hard for a sole carer ever to have time off .
19 He had guessed that this place was a palace to her , and she wondered suddenly if she was a complete fool even to consider getting mixed up in his world , when it was so far removed from her own .
20 Each of them requires a complete day out to go and visit them and it 's very difficult to find a complete day because there are so many other things , so many other demands on your time .
21 It is a strange sight now to see vegetables growing on the pure white substrate .
22 So did I. He had me figured for a working stiff out to do the day 's chores , and he was n't going to bother an upright member of the community .
23 Last autumn , lord president of the Court of Session , suddenly announced he was forming a working party under to examine how to improve the handling of commercial cases and to make their hearing speedier and more convenient to litigants .
24 but I must make a historical excursion here to establish the background to this absolutely fundamental question .
25 Not only are there competing social sciences , but everyone has to be something of a social scientist just to get by in this world .
26 Even language may not be enough to account for the agreement in a social contract not to do X , when
27 Meanwhile , British 800 metres record holder Kirsty Wade has arranged a social evening tonight to boost the trust fund set up for Cameron Sharp , the former international sprinter disabled in a car crash last year .
28 And I do n't bother to find myself a reflective surface wherein to follow them-although no doubt the gleam in Rainbow 's eye , or the slick of moisture on Anya 's parted lips , would do at a pinch .
29 Alternatively , he or she may have a self-imposed rule not to drink before a certain time of day or on particular days , weeks or months or even years .
30 Do people have a clear idea how to become members and to transfer that membership ?
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