Example sentences of "a [adj] [adv] [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 Is there a broad enough base for popular capitalism ?
2 The wide acceptance of secularisation is not a strong enough reason for us to cease applying Biblical social teaching as directly as possible to the world in which we live .
3 It was a bloody long wait for the copter , I can tell you .
4 I 've been forced to pay a high enough price for the goods , for heaven 's sake .
5 This was a natural enough view for those who remembered his tariff opinions before the war , his stout defence of Ulster and his diehard opinions in 1911 .
6 The vapour alone does not give a deep enough etch for replicas , but is sufficient for stain preparation .
7 Letting trainees see themselves teach may seem in itself a good enough reason for recording teachers teaching : the benefits of being able to see themselves as their students see them appear to be so obvious .
8 But a good enough reason for coming is just to sample the friendly local hospitality and exotic food .
9 If the argument for imposing a requirement of reasonableness is a forceful one as Lord Cross suggests , then it is curious that he should consider that the ordinary use of the term rape is a good enough reason for forgoing such a requirement .
10 An absence of information to aid the identification of those about to face a stressful event who would as a consequence be particularly susceptible to psychiatric disorder is obviously a good enough reason for not considering preventive intervention .
11 The haberdashery counter could have been a useful enough base for his operations .
12 She would not have told him where she was going , but for the life of her she would not have been able to invent a pressing enough reason for leaving the house , least of all with only the shelter of her flimsy summer hat , since an umbrella had not been top of her list of things to pack when she had hurriedly boarded the plane at Heathrow .
13 The rather handsome Perpendicular church of St Andrew in Curry Rivel where the ceremony took place was soon to become a familiar enough place for Benjamin , as he took over as its organist to complement his work as the local headmaster .
14 He had felt like beating her up , so it seemed a mild enough rebuke for the trouble she 'd caused him .
15 The garden at Snowshill Manor is on a small enough scale for a totally organic approach to be feasible , but this is not the case with many of the Trust 's larger gardens where chemicals are still employed .
16 Still , I had n't thought I was a big enough fish for this sort of attention . ’
17 Coggins and Brown warned that , without government support in the form of investment allowances or tax incentives , or grants for research into new uses of materials , industry would be neither be able to provide a big enough market for recycled goods , nor invest in the plant required to carry out the recycling .
18 Surely an 11 o'clock start for a 5,500m peak was n't quite serious ?
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