Example sentences of "a [noun] is [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 In this latter context , it should be noted that RSC Order 53 rule 3(8) provides that where certiorari is sought to quash any decision which is subject to appeal , and a time-limit is fixed for that appeal , the court may adjourn the application for leave to seek certiorari until the appeal is heard or the time limit for appealing has expired .
2 He published a paper by ex-sapper Kenneth Koop , in which a case is made for the alignments being the remains of an early survey of Britain .
3 A MUM is appealing for the return of a much-loved pet .
4 Let us assume , for example , that a budget is agreed for a department and includes depreciation ( or capital charges ) of £12,000 for the year .
5 A correction is made for any ammonia already in the sample Reduction with Devarda 's alloy is an effective technique .
6 If a correction is made for the amount of ammonium cations (
7 To allow for the mass present in a mountain range above the reference surface the theoretical pull of the rock , based on an assumed average rock density , is subtracted from the free-air anomaly ( or a correction is made for the presence of sea water if the point is over the ocean ) .
8 If any cash is transferred from the office to the bank or a cheque is cashed for office use a contra entry is made , which means an entry is made on the debit and credit side of the cash book showing the transfer and c is written in the folio column .
9 The road passes the farm of Braida Garth , across fields to the left , and a short mile further on Keld Head will be reached and passed unnoticed — unless a watch is kept for it over the roadside wall .
10 Suppose that a contract is made for the provision of a network to link individual computers together , a term in the contract stating that the network will support at least 16 microcomputers .
11 Alternative types of direct social work are examined in which a framework is offered for the worker to plan the interaction .
12 The Speaker will normally rule that the Government has won ( ‘ ayes ’ if on the original motion , ‘ noes ’ if on the amendment ) but if a division is called for the House will proceed to an actual vote .
13 A demonstration is planned for next month in Glasgow to rally public support for the Albion workforce .
14 A horse is prepared for one of the main dates in the Gypsy calendar , the horse fair at Stow on the Wold .
15 A horse is prepared for one of the main dates in the Gypsy calendar , the horse fair at Stow on the Wold .
16 Fishing : A permit is required for fishing in the Lunarsee and Alvierbach .
17 R.5(6) provides that a shareholder shall not exercise any voting rights in respect of any share held in breach of any part of R.5 — a breach could come about either because a shareholder is not permitted to be a shareholder or because a shareholder is holding for another person who is not permitted to be a beneficial owner .
18 A search is made for a number of special tag patterns and parse fragments and the parse structure suitably modified .
19 My concern is that when a child is tested for standard sexually transmitted disease , an HIV test is done as a matter of course without informed consent .
20 Once a manuscript is accepted for publication , contributors will receive proofs in about 4 weeks .
21 The certainty that the average is a type is paid for by the relatively few properties which are likely to survive a generalizing procedure over many individuals .
22 A council is asking for Government action to help RAF wives who 're being evicted from their homes .
23 Many projects start when an idea or a proposal is accepted for realization .
24 Thus if a test is given for diagnosing a difficulty it seems less relevant to decide on a boundary score than to obtain details of the nature of the difficulty .
25 A desk is bought for the business for £100 paid for from the bank account .
26 In order to make certain that a place is reserved for you on the Executive Course of your choice ( Executive Course I , II , III , IV or V ) , please ensure that we receive your application form at least 4 weeks before the course is due to start .
27 The 50-cent man is restricted to using the knife on the most delicate parts of the hide ( floorman ) or to using the ax in splitting the backbone ( splitter ) ; and wherever a less-skilled man can be slipped in at 18 cents , 18½ cents , 20 cents , 21 cents , 22½ cents , 24 cents , 25 cents , and so on , a place is made for him , and an occupation mapped out .
28 There may now be a place , but if not , this process can be repeated up the tree until a place is found for the new value .
29 In both of the novels a heroine is involved for committing herself to do something important enough only as itself for example , Elizabeth Bennet walks three fatiguing miles to Netherfield to pay a visit to her ill sister ; Fanny Price opposes her cousins ' attempts to include her in amateur theatricals .
30 When a package is submitted for approval using option 1.5.1 , all DCs which are currently ACTIVE through the package are transitioned to state IN APPROVAL .
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