Example sentences of "a [noun] [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Developing nations argued that the motion on protection of rainforests abused their right to self-determination [ see ED 49-50 ] and the convention on biodiversity was seen by some as a ruse to gain control of their resources .
2 As a result , Brown reckons that the two companies are eager to cash in on such a base to generate interest in their own products .
3 The ban on abortion counselling and referral by federally funded family planning clinics , imposed in 1988 under President Ronald Reagan and maintained by Bush , came under congressional challenge as both House and Senate enacted human services appropriations bills containing a provision to block enforcement of the ban during fiscal 1992 .
4 The agreement also contained a provision to increase security along the Tajik-Afghan border .
5 A DECISION to allow building on one of Darlington 's largest car parks has sparked fresh fears about the town centre 's commercial future .
6 It did , however , incorporate a decision to promote jute as an environment-friendly product because of its biodegradable qualities .
7 The Contact with Children Regulations 1991 ( SI No 891 ) require local authorities to notify parents , and any others entitled to contact under s34(1) of a decision to refuse contact as a matter of urgency .
8 monitoring of the environment The Soviet government has announced a decision to take part in global ecological monitoring by both utilising and contributing to the UN Environment Programme 's GRID database .
9 Hospital nurses opposing a plan to make them wear their own clothes for work have put off a decision to take action in protest .
10 Some 2,000 people took part on March 8 in what were described as the biggest demonstrations in Tonga in living memory , in protest at a decision to grant citizenship to more than 400 foreigners .
11 People can get emotional about premises , and the implications of a decision to sub-let part of a company 's accommodation are far-reaching .
12 TRAINEE beauty therapists face an uncertain future because of a decision to cut funding to their college .
13 Right , now there 's one , we 've made a decision to defer consideration of this report , but because both Mr and Mrs had indicated they wanted to speak before I took the vote , I 'm prepared to take the speeches , but I do n't know that there 's very much of a motion that can legally be moved .
14 I take no pleasure in bringing this case before the House , although his example may well prove a catalyst to bring help to fellow sufferers .
15 The section , introduced on 1 July last year — less than two weeks before the accident — made it an offence for a driver to cause death by careless driving and while over the drink drive limit .
16 The section , introduced last July — less than two weeks before the accident — made it a specific offence for a driver to cause death by careless driving and while over the drink-drive limit .
17 If it was a struggle to establish techno at home , by comparison , other places took to Inner City immediately .
18 It may be that such moves towards a willingness to detach comment from political allegiance and dogma is a passing fad but it does also suggest that many journalists are uneasy about blind , albeit volunteered , political commitment .
19 There are ways , however , of improving on the guesswork … if there is a willingness to assess performance on the part of senior managers , organisation level validation can become feasible .
20 He also showed a willingness to give business to new firms , such as Saxton Bampfylde , as well as more old-established businesses like GKR and Clive & Stokes .
21 The real point at issue between the president and the big Democratic majority in congress was the size of the tax cut , but Ford showed weakness by revealing , at an early stage , a willingness to give ground on size while insisting that the most important requirement was that the legislature should act quickly .
22 In fact a series of public opinion polls , conducted between February 1938 and January 1939 revealed that between 57 and 78 per cent of those who expressed an opinion favoured sympathy for the Republican government , and even a willingness to take action against Franco 's fascists .
23 AT THE END of a week in which Eoin Jess 's splendid performance for Scotland against Malta turned the spotlight on the next generation of international footballers , Premier Division managers across the country yesterday indicated a willingness to add spice to this afternoon 's card by giving youth a fling .
24 There would be advantage in designing these units to occupy positions on the external face of a building to facilitate ventilation after discharge of the extinguishment .
25 It would need the pen of a Zola to do justice to the reality and appalling intensity of the famine in these parts ( Saratov and Samara ) .
26 The issue has already stirred strong passions in Wiltshire where County Councillors will be voting on a measure to ban foxhunting on all land under its control .
27 A NURSE died after an anaesthetist failed to give her a drug to ease pressure on her heart , an inquest heard yesterday .
28 The food is prepared in the prison kitchens by a private catering company — ARA , which has a contract to provide food at a set cost .
29 Inkombank , a commercial bank in Moscow , has signed a $2m contract with NCR GmbH to supply the computer and telecommunication equipment required to connect Inkombank to the Swift network : under the agreement , Inkombank will get two ST-400 workstations ; last April , NCR won a contract to supply Inkombank with a complete head office automation system .
30 A German company ( S ) entered into a contract to supply machinery to an English customer ( B ) who , as representatives of the German company knew , spoke no German .
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