Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The resistance to being coerced has a variety of more or less typical expressions , shaped by other values and ideals .
2 The distinction between a movement and a party , or other organized group , is shown also by the fact that large-scale movements tend to produce within themselves a variety of more or less directly political groups , as did the nineteenth-century labour movement ; and the subsequent course of political action has then to be understood partly in terms of the relation between the broader movement and the various organized groups .
3 I have already hinted , in my account of the reductive steps the group employed , that a variety of experimentally or theoretically inconvenient processes that also occurred during the behaviour , such as a contribution of the peripheral nervous system , and some of the polysynaptic inputs onto the motor neuron , were dissected away and no longer taken into consideration .
4 From six members , the company has grown in less than four years to a staff of more than 90 , and a base of more than 200 installed systems .
5 The integration over involves only and on the assumption of overall fibre symmetry ( a case common in polymers in the fibrous form ; but not , of course , necessarily so in the sheet or bulk forms ) we can assume that is a function of only and integrate over — and also over .
6 You see , it 's not a case of either or God 's purpose is both of them .
7 Do give thanks , but remember this ; it is always a case of there but for the grace of God go I.
8 Er you ca you could n't do it on the phone anyway It 's a case of out and er sitting with , having a coffee with the old guy .
9 I should n't bother I should just carry on chucking a bit on here and there same as everybody does , I ca n't see many buggers go for that bloody eight pound a bag .
10 Therefore the increase in numbers to a hundred , for this particular rule , seems to be a logical move , as a branch with less than fifty would be unrepresentative of the G M B both from a democracy point of view and an administration point of view where cost plays an enormo important role .
11 The pathologist had finished with Maurice 's body , which now lay in a chapel of rest in Maidenhead , awaiting a decision on when and where the funeral was to be held .
12 The hospital is the largest on Merseyside , with more than 4,200 staff , over 1,300 beds , and a budget of more than £70m .
13 CITES , which is run on a budget of less than $3m a year , is facing a financial crisis .
14 a reduction of more than 30 per cent .
15 According to latest Audit Bureau of Circulations figures , average October to March sales of the Sunday Express have stepped up to 1,666,993 this year from 1,617,129 in the equivalent period last year , a rise of more than three per cent .
16 Another milestone was passed in 1989/90 with more than 200,000 candidates registering for one or more modules for that year ; indeed the growth in the number of candidates has been so strong that it is likely to pass 225,000 this year , a rise of more than 15% .
17 The latest crime figures for Oxfordshire show a rise of more than thirty per cent .
18 The latest crime figures for Oxfordshire show a rise of more than thirty per cent .
19 The college also has a course for physically or mentally handicapped students which is free to those registered disabled , Ribber Courses for double bed machines and another on panelled skirts and shadow pleats .
20 The sentencer regarded the case as an exceptional one The Court considered that it had many exceptional features which would allow a sentencer to reduce the sentence which would otherwise have been imposed , but it was seldom in such a case that a sentence of less than seven years would be appropriate .
21 These were regarded as relatively minor , and the sentences reflected this ; only exceptional violence justified a sentence of more than 18 months imprisonment .
22 I do n't know what happened to the front entrance , but there was a basement underneath there and my first wife was dancing in Harvey Martin 's dance hall underneath , her pal and herself she , they 'd gone to this dance it was a dancing lesson on a Saturday night it was famous in those days Harvey Martin 's dance class er yes I
23 I 'll speak to Bonard before we go about a refund for tomorrow and Friday . ’
24 There is a very smart woman working in Conservative Central Office who has taught me a trick at least as useful at that of Shirley Williams .
25 Well I get a board about here and just walk and push .
26 All this suggests that the allowance system was a response to rather than a cause of the relief burden .
27 On the basis of such calculations John Ellis , head of theory at CERN , offers two-to-one odds that the Higgs has a mass of less than 200 billion electron volts ( 200GeV , 0.2TeV ) — or , if there is no simple Higgs , that some other mechanism that performs its function can be found at around that energy .
28 When the company became a founder member of ICI in 1926 the enterprise , launched in 1873 with less than £20,000 , had a capitalization of more than £18 million .
29 He was fascinated by the corset which gave her a youthful figure and set about reproducing it.In 1968 , they invented the Wonderbra which has been a best-seller for more than 20 years .
30 CAPENHURST 's sports and Social Club committee has presented a cheque for more than £330 to the Good shepherd Hospice in Chester .
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