Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Make sure that you do not get a link-wire in the wrong place so that it short circuits a secondary winding .
2 But Hebbert was there , guide in hand , picking out the classics on the Left Wall ( he reasoned it had to be a route on the left wall to provide a contrast to the big slab route just completed ) .
3 I knew I was courting disaster without a rope and partner on , so rushed around below the ice cliffs of the snout to see if I could force a route over the smooth slabs and close to the col .
4 Charles has actually planned a route across the Martian south pole using photographs taken by the Viking and Mariner probes .
5 Hofmann realized that he had discovered a new and versatile chemical reaction which could provide a route to a wide range of new compounds .
6 Education can be a route to a narrow range of professions , but for most the prospects are poor .
7 The latter does not offer a route to the former , and should be strenuously opposed as a mere manipulatory gambit on the part of ‘ capital ’ .
8 A programme that may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course could be developed by adding further Stage 1 Biological Sciences modules ( see page 10 ) to this core .
9 The following groups of modules may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course in Chemistry ;
10 The following groups of modules may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course in Physics :
11 Bridging precariously above the protruding spike concentrates your mind wonderfully on the old cliche — ‘ not a route for the married man ’ !
12 In the event , the more fateful decision was not the proposal of a route within the walled city but making the starting point for the march the railway station on the Protestant Waterside .
13 Clearly , a sum paid to the settlor to discharge a liability of his to the bank would come within this section ( see IRC v Bates ( 1966 ) 44 TC 225 : the case of Potts ' Executors v IRC [ 1951 ] AC 43 held that a payment to a third party was not a sum paid to the settlor but that case is no longer good law in view of TA 1988 , s677(10) which was inserted into the former TA 1970 , s451 ( now TA 1988 , s677 ) by s42(7) of FA 1981 ) .
14 It is a specific and unconditional agreement to make a payment of a fixed amount on an agreed date .
15 er , yes my Lord , there 's the prior point that we er , we would submit as indicated in the skeleton of the eleventh of November that on its true construction , erm the central fund byelaw , article ten in particular er gives rise to a payment of a specified sum , ascertain sum , payable forthwith on demand , it 's rather like the example your Lordship gave of the Barclaycard or the cheque , if my learned friend is right
16 Therefore the effect of Rule 4.90 in reducing Mr Sawar 's liability to BCCI from £600,000 to £300,000 corresponded to a payment of the same amount by Mr Sawar to BCCI , thus reducing the total indebtedness of Fashions , Wholesale and Mr Sawar to £300,000 .
17 Again in Johnston v Chamberlain ( 1933 ) 17 TC 706 , the taxpayer sought to argue that a payment from a discretionary trust could not give rise to income tax liability on the beneficiary as it was " only when the trustees choose to exercise their discretion by making the payment that the sum gets to the children at all " .
18 To claim income support or a payment from the social fund contact your local social security office .
19 To claim Income Support or a payment from the Social Fund contact your local Social Security office .
20 However , the natives , who had known yasak , or alman , before the Russians arrived on the scene , and regarded it as a payment by a vanquished people to its conqueror , in the time-honoured manner would pay only as long as it suited them .
21 However the link was not lost , and the hope grew in Israel that one day God would raise up a prince of the Davidic line for whom the Spirit would be no passing enduement , to be bestowed and with drawn as he joined his predecessors in disobedience .
22 In Kent a prince of the native line emerged in Oswine , a descendant , so it would seem , of Eormenred , brother of King Eorcenberht .
23 He looked like a prince from an uncensored story , a Beardsley illustration of male perfection .
24 It might result in a variety of a certain species , but it could never result in a completely new species .
25 I have this day killed rather an extraordinary Bird , and one that you will recollect , at least there is every probability of its being the same ; you will remember the large Snow White Petrel ( a variety of the black species ) which followed us nearly all the way from the Cape to Tasman 's Head and which I was so desirous of procuring without effecting my purpose .
26 Many other institutes adopted a variety of the armed services funds as their mascot and held ‘ gift sales ’ , ‘ bring and buy ’ events and so on to raise money for their special fund .
27 Figure 8 shows the Utilities Screen and from here you can choose and run a variety of the helpful programs available in DOS5 .
28 Six Damasks were included and Rosa Mundi as a variety of the Red Rose .
29 Three varieties of the common Sweet Briar , R. eglanteria , found growing naturally in some parts of Kent , were listed as double , evergreen and double blush , and the Double Yellow is classed as a variety of the single , Rosa lutea .
30 Tate Bramald supplies its clients with a variety of the leading packages , but Mr Tate finds that the UK packages are all too often weak on the currency side .
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