Example sentences of "a [noun] i [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 They had forgotten to tell the rest of my body about this and as a result I slumped out of Armstrong , hitting the road with my right shoulder , having just remembered in time not to break my fall with my hand .
2 There were a cock I saw out at Kingswood — naught but a shake-bag it were .
3 On a Sunday I goes out selling , and all I earns I keeps .
4 As a teenager I moved out of the nursery into the attic .
5 Once a month I go out for a serious session — the last of which was a hard circuit of Radnor Forest , but I enjoyed it tremendously . ’
6 I got to cross the road — I remember that , so when I get to a gate I go out and have a look round .
7 In a fog I crawled out of bed to pick up a blanket which had fallen on the floor , and as I did so I glanced through into the living room and made out , in the darkness , Changez Lying on his camp-bed watching me .
8 For example , in a survey I carried out on the membership of the National Trust — one of the largest voluntary associations in Britain with over a million and a quarter members — it was decided that topics should include such things as how people came to join , how they felt about the payment of subscriptions , how much they read of the literature the Trust sent them , what their main interests in conservation were , how active a part they wanted to play in the work of the Trust , and so on .
9 A survey I carried out in Brighton last summer indicated that unemployed men report themselves to be much less satisfied with their lives than do employed men .
10 They also made me extremely randy , an effect I pointed out to you , who seemed unaffected in that department and were astonished that they should stimulate my already overwrought sexuality — ‘ oversexed and under seventy ’ is how I still think of myself .
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