Example sentences of "a [noun] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 On occasion , however , a prince might oppose his father .
2 At any time those with less of a base might withdraw their concession of power from those with more of that base , in which case the legitimacy of that power base is lost .
3 Such a provision would prevent him from making , while still employed , preparations for competing after the termination of his service agreement ( Thomas Marshall ( Exporters ) Ltd v Guinle [ 1979 ] Ch 227 ) .
4 Perhaps no society which had surmounted such a trial could consider itself as simply one power amongst many .
5 A warrior will plant his spear outside one of the small huts to indicate that he is inside and should not be disturbed , but I ca n't imagine Claudia , chic Parisienne , et cetera , allowing her relationship to be semaphored in this way from outside her own hut .
6 Their mission complete the men divided into three parties to march to the coast , where it was planned that a submarine would pick them up .
7 Owning a racehorse will leave you no change from £200 a week .
8 Nowadays the government 's lawyers appear more interested in the publicity a case will win them than anything else .
9 According to the Laws of Manu , a vānaprasthin must control his senses , keep his organs in subjection , abandon his belongings , commit his wife to his sons or allow her to accompany him , be chaste , patient , friendly , and compassionate towards all creatures .
10 Mm that 's a bit let's make it more awkward .
11 By putting a little extra energy into contracting his extensor muscles on his way to impact , thereby stiffening his tendons , a runner can maximise his innate springiness .
12 Those organizations whose members can find no good reason , whatever the basis of the bargain , to trust one another at a modicum will find it extremely hard to work effectively with each other .
13 This is just as well , since such a decision will deprive you of the legal rights that you would have if you were dismissed .
14 The RTC , on the other hand , said in court papers that such a decision could affect its ability to recover money on behalf of failed thrifts .
15 Walk in the door and a dinosaur will follow you home .
16 A driver will meet you at Tegel Airport and take you to Dresden .
17 To hell with the risk , I had three minutes to create an impact ( being carried off on a stretcher should do it ) .
18 Migrants were more likely to say that a course would help them change career direction or , if they were currently unemployed , help them get a job .
19 One part of a sentence may indicate what the second part is likely to be .
20 A text would entail its interpretation only if meaning was exhausted by sense , the coded or literal meanings studied by semantics .
21 Also , when staff were asked what features of a text would cause them to reject its use as a class reader , ‘ sexism ’ was volunteered as one such reason by staff in three of the six schools visited .
22 The shared fun , or criticism , of a text can bring its own satisfaction .
23 The malai jumped a mile-you could see he 'd nearly had a heart-attack — before heading for the ground , shouting our number and whereabouts to his friends .
24 Sometimes your will to learn a trick will take you through .
25 He did not like an excess of specialization and thought that a university should do what it could to counteract the trend , and help arts undergraduates to learn a bit of science or vice versa .
26 It is one of the greatest subjects to which a university can call its students .
27 A board can make its own arrangements for considering such applications ( subs .
28 We do not wish to say how a writer should organise his written discourse into paragraphs before we have managed to characterise , in any comprehensive way , how writers typically do so .
29 A mule will carry you in an easy day 's ride from the rim to the very bottom of the Canyon .
30 Like a fairytale hero , only a marvel can help her .
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